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Capricorn Monthly Horoscope


- May 2024 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    The beginning of the month might feel challenging with the Sun in square to the Moon (May 1st). You may experience a disconnect between what you desire internally and what you display externally. Don't panic. This is the time to practice patience and understanding. Towards the end of the month, things will calm down with the Moon in sextile to Pluto (May 31st). This will be the moment to strengthen your social ties and to form deeper relationships. Does this seem clearer now? Remember, every challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow.

  • Your love life

    Valuing your personal spaces will preserve your romantic balance. At the beginning of the month, use the tensions of the Sun square Moon to ground yourself in your own needs. For couples: it's crucial to be attentive in expressing your need for independence to your partner. For those who are single: take advantage of this period to refocus on yourself and recharge your energy. Toward the end of the month (May 31), the gentleness of the Moon sextile Pluto will help you reconnect with a sense of well-being in any romantic situation.

  • Your career

    Even though workplace tensions may arise under the influence of the Sun square Moon in early May, stay the course. Resolving conflicts ethically and respectfully is vital for maintaining a healthy work environment. Use this period to enhance your negotiation skills. Towards the end of the month (May 31), the harmonious aspect of the Moon sextile Pluto may foster positive change in your professional environment. This is the ideal time to implement more sustainable practices at your workplace.

  • Your finances

    Take advantage of the start of the month to explore online opportunities, such as auctions or trading platforms. The tension of the Sun square Moon may make transactions a bit restless, but persevere. Consider even selling some of your unused belongings: it's the time to declutter and replenish your wallet! Toward the end of the month (May 31), the Moon sextile Pluto grants you precious intuition for sniffing out good deals. Sometimes, all it takes is daring to bounce back to see your financial situation improve.

  • Your wellbeing

    Begin the month by exploring new intellectual horizons, perhaps through reading or learning about a subject that has always intrigued you. This renewal will contribute positively to your mental well-being. Around mid-May, commit yourself to an activity that stimulates both your mind and body, such as strategy games or complex puzzles. The key is to find a fulfilling balance that nurtures your curiosity while providing relaxation and satisfaction.

  • Your astro-dates

    On May 1st, the Sun square to the Moon may generate internal tensions, stay patient. May 15th, pay attention to your communications, the Moon trine Mercury encourages sincere exchanges. Finally, May 31st is a day conducive to introspection and refocusing thanks to the Moon sextile Pluto. Remember that astrology is merely a guide: it is your attitude towards situations that will make all the difference.

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