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Libra Monthly Horoscope


- May 2024 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    The planetary configuration at the beginning of the month suggests a significant moment on May 2nd with the Moon in sextile to Mercury. It's a great opportunity to break your routines and rethink your work methods. However, be cautious, as starting from the 15th, the Sun square to the Moon could disrupt your environment. This can be a critical period where decisions need to be well thought out. So, keep a cool head and trust your intuition to navigate these turbulent waters.

  • Your love life

    For you, the singles, prioritize moments of solitude and introspection this first fortnight. With the Moon sextile to Mercury on May 2nd, take the time to listen to your deepest desires. For those already in a relationship, beware of tensions around May 15th with the Sun square to the Moon. This period demands letting go and dialogue to balance the relational field. It is important to draw on love and understanding to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

  • Your career

    It's a month brimming with opportunities to blend teamwork and independence. At the beginning of the month, the challenge lies in making your own decisions without relying too heavily on others. Around the 15th, the Sun square to the Moon might compel you to adjust your stance within the team. Don't hesitate to voice your ideas and share your skills while respecting those of others. By the end of the month, prioritize collaboration and listening to achieve the set goals together.

  • Your finances

    Good news for your wallet! Indeed, the aspect of the Sun sextile Moon at the beginning of May presents a favorable situation for devising a healthy and balanced personal budget. It's the perfect time to reverse an inherited tendency, perhaps that of always consulting others' opinions before making a financial decision. However, around the 15th of the month, maintain a certain vigilance. The Sun square Moon encourages self-reinvention but also advises against rushing into big expenses.

  • Your wellbeing

    A wave of positive energy sweeps through your month with the Moon sextile to Mercury on May 2, a splendid opportunity to refresh your mind. Why not try activities that bolster your mental balance, such as meditation or writing? Be wary, however, of overworking yourself. Mid-month, the Sun square to the Moon might stir up a peculiar mood and could disrupt your well-being. So, make sure to carve out time for rest and self-care. Don't overlook the connection with nature either, to regain serenity and harmony.

  • Your astro-dates

    On May 2nd, the Moon sextile Mercury presages a day conducive to personal growth. This is the time to take initiatives and step out of your comfort zone. However, pay attention to the 15th, where the Sun square Moon could generate some turbulence in your immediate surroundings. Finally, towards the end of the month, it is recommended to pay more attention to the balance between professional and personal life to avoid the pitfalls of stress and promote a serene and balanced state of mind.

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