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Pisces Monthly Horoscope


- May 2024 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    May kicks off with the Sun's square to Jupiter, challenging us to stretch beyond our limits despite distractions. Embrace this as a moment for personal growth by delving into creative endeavors or artistic pursuits that foster self-discovery. The trine between Venus and Saturn later in the month suggests stability can be found in expressing oneself through art, turning obstacles into opportunities for deepening self-awareness.

  • Your love life

    Your emotional resilience is being tested. For those who are single, the precious time for yourself might feel lonely, but it presents a unique opportunity to center yourself. For those in relationships, tensions may arise: breathe and bring calm to the storm. Around May 30th, Mercury sextile Moon will be your ally: use this period to express your feelings, whether they are of love or frustration. Remember: each experience is a step towards a better understanding of oneself. In the end, isn't that what true love is?

  • Your career

    Step back. The unexpected professional event is unsettling, yet it carries within it the opportunity for renewal. At the beginning of the month, the stress can be intense. Do not let it overwhelm you. Take the time to think and to organize yourself. Around May 15th, with the Sun square Moon, do not hesitate to express your concerns and to seek support from those around you. The end of the month will be more serene: the Moon sextile Mercury encourages positive exchanges and compassionate listening, valuable assets for bouncing back.

  • Your finances

    Exercising caution is paramount this month. The small savings from such a mundane action as making your coffee at home, rather than stopping at the local coffee shop, add up. It might be the time for you to rediscover the simple pleasures that don't cost much. Around May 15th, with the Sun square Moon aspect, watch out for your unconscious tendency to make impulsive purchases. The end of the month will be bathed in Moon sextile Mercury: talking about money should not be taboo, have conversations about savings!

  • Your wellbeing

    This month, respecting your own pace is paramount. Don't hesitate to slow down if necessary and allow yourself some well-deserved breaks. Around May 15th, the aspect of the Sun squaring the Moon might make you feel a dip in energy or even a sense of frustration. Don't worry, it's temporary. To deal with it, opt for a walk outdoors or a good book, it will help you refocus your thoughts. Towards the end of the month, thanks to the Moon sextile Mercury, emotional communication will be easier: don't hesitate to share what you're feeling with your loved ones.

  • Your astro-dates

    On May 3rd, tensions might emerge. Breathe and stay calm. May 15th brings the Sun square Moon to its peak of uncertainty: seek support from those around you. Finally, May 30th promises more tranquility with the Moon sextile Mercury. Take this time to clear your thoughts and engage positively with your loved ones. Each date marks a new chapter: move forward step by step and remember that every experience is a step toward a better self-understanding.

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