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Leo Monthly Horoscope


- May 2024 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    From the beginning of May, the Sun in square with the Moon may create a certain tension. This is the ideal moment to learn how to manage your emotions in the face of criticism and to positively rebound from contradictory feedback. Starting May 10, your communications will be fluid and effective thanks to the Moon in sextile to Mercury. You will then have the leisure to deepen your self-knowledge through art or another creative activity. Life is pushing you forward, go with its flow!

  • Your love life

    This month, you'll have the opportunity to uncover new aspects of yourself and deepen your relationships with others. Starting May 8th, the Moon-Jupiter sextile will bring positive energy around sharing within a relationship. Single? No worries, you'll know how to take advantage of this free flow of ideas to enrich your friendships and personal relationships. By the end of May, step out of your comfort zone. Whether it's about embarking on a creative project, or simply learning to better enjoy the joys of being single, it's by exploring new paths that you will find fulfillment.

  • Your career

    Make sure to take advantage of the Moon-Mercury sextile starting May 10 to strengthen your communication skills. At work, this will make interactions with your colleagues and clients smoother, whether you're working remotely or in the office. Towards the end of the month, don't hesitate to step off the beaten path and offer up new ideas. It's your originality that will make a difference! Remember: even in stressful times, taking time for oneself remains crucial. A sound mind in a sound body!

  • Your finances

    Redefine your financial priorities without following the trail of impulsive purchases. Instead, focus on appreciating the assets you already own, rediscover and re-enchant your daily life with what surrounds you. As the month progresses, under the influence of the Moon sextile Jupiter, clarity in managing your resources becomes sharper. Cultivate eco-responsibility: adopt a conscientious approach to spending, thus fostering harmony between your aspirations and material realities.

  • Your wellbeing

    The Moon-Venus sextile on May 3rd warms your emotions and sets the pace for your well-being. It's the perfect opportunity to reconnect with oneself through an activity that resonates with you. Why not try your hand at painting or learning a musical instrument? These hobbies will bring you inner joy and enhance your mental dexterity. Toward the end of the month, take some time to contemplate the small daily joys, like a sunset or a smile. Well-being is often found in simple, yet genuine moments.

  • Your astro-dates

    On May 1st, expect some friction due to the square between the Sun and Moon. Your emotions might be tested, but remember, everything is temporary. May 10th marks a time conducive to communication. A Moon-Mercury sextile makes you more receptive and clearer in your expression. Finally, on the 28th, a Moon-Pluto conjunction awakens and intensifies your desires for personal transformation. On this day, be bold! Whether it's lifestyle changes or pursuing new skills - go for it!.

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