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Chiron in Aries

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Chiron, the Wounded Healer, the Alchemist of the Zodiac, has changed sign in April, and we’re sure we’ve already felt his powerful skills. Healing, grief, pain and sadness are all part of the experience of being human. Chiron is the One that can help us heal our wounds and release our fears.

Aries is the first sign in the zodiac, showing a time of renewal and new beginnings. Under the influence of Aries (Mars energy) we are going to be encouraged so we can be what we were truly meant to be. Aries rules the Self, our self-reliance will increase over this period. The combination of the two will have strong effects on our life, big changes are coming, get ready for the ride!

When Chiron is in Aries, it’s time for self-realization and for coming into a new understanding of our uniqueness. It gives a sense of empowerment which allows us to confront and overcome our deepest fears and weaknesses. Chiron in Aries is about healing our ego and our sense of self. Chiron in Aries is active, so we must pay attention to our body and health.

Chiron in Aries is speed and efficiency. Chiron in Aries brings power struggles in relationships.

When Chiron is transiting:

Your 1st House, it’s time to define yourself and find your mission on earth. To love yourself and to create what you love to do.

Your 2nd House, it’ s time to focus on yourself. Materiality can give you financial security but not the feeling of self-worth.

Your 3rd House, it is time to make yourself understood. What you say is important, you can now express yourself, without feeling rejected.

Your 4th House, it’s time to heal the wounds related to your past and your family. It’s time to forgive yourself and move ahead.

Your 5th House, it’s time to express your creativity. Free yourself from outside expectations and do what you really enjoy doing.

Your 6th House, it’s time to release your worries and anxiety. Try to be more flexible, forget the rules and obsessive rigor.

Your 7th House, it’s time to accept love and a relationship. It’s time to let down the walls you built. You can be happy.

Your 8th House, it’s time to face your monsters, sex, death and money. Accepting who you are, accepting the change, is the key to healing.

Your 9th House, it’s time to reconsider your beliefs and convictions. Open your horizon, be flexible and allow other ways of thinking.

Your 10th House, it’s time to take care of your personal needs. Don’t worry too much for recognition at work, you are important, too.

Your 11th House, it’s time to open yourself to others and build strong links. Don’t try to fit in, be yourself, people will love your uniqueness.

Your 12th House, it’s time to accept your synchronicities and to share your insights. It is time to find your spiritual path.

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