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Virgo Monthly Horoscope


- July 2024 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    The palpable tensions that the Moon-Neptune opposition incites, particularly on July 16, indeed foster uncertainty, but do not fail to see their benefits. These upheavals can unveil buried opportunities. The sextile between the Moon and Venus, more frequent this month, beckons one to seek solace and balance in nature. Breathe deeply the air of the woods or the seashore. Doesn't this connection provide you a sense of peace? Seize these moments to recharge your batteries and gain confidence.

  • Your love life

    In a relationship, the Moon's conjunction with Jupiter on July 3rd provides a precious harmony for truly being yourself. Discover new areas of interest with your partner, a wonderful opportunity may be hidden within these shared moments. Single? Do you miss nature? Reconnect with it and enjoy its benevolence. This could open doors to inner, and possibly creative, freedom. And who knows, love might emerge around the bend of a walk! The end of the month seems perfectly conducive for this...

  • Your career

    The period is ripe for new initiatives. The Moon sextile to Venus on July 1st brings a positive energy for kickstarting a new project, or even to embark on an entrepreneurial journey. Open your mind to fresh ideas, let yourself be inspired. Of course, it won't always be a breeze, doubt may creep in around the 16th with the Moon square Saturn. But that's not a death sentence! It's simply a minor and temporary setback that allows you to ensure you are truly aligned with your deep-seated aspirations. So, ready to take the plunge?

  • Your finances

    Have you ever considered turning your passion into a source of income? The Moon-Venus sextile on July 1st marks the starting point for this adventure. Why not conduct cooking workshops or sell your handcrafted creations? However, be wary of the Moon-Jupiter conjunction on July 3rd, which might make you believe that everything is effortless. A solid plan must be constructed before embarking on this venture. Don't forget, by the end of July, to take a step back and review your regular expenses. Might there be room to optimize certain areas?

  • Your wellbeing

    Energized by the Moon-Mars conjunction at the beginning of the month, your momentum is at its peak. Wisely preserve it by avoiding political discussions, often sources of discord. Mid-month, when the Moon squares with Saturn cooling your fervor, opt for a salvific introspection: solitude or meditation are sources of balance and relief. Take the opportunity to nourish your mind and restore inner harmony. End the month on a gentle note with the Moon sextile to Neptune on the 29th, calling for spiritual serenity.

  • Your astro-dates

    On the 1st of July, the Moon sextile Venus sweeps away your inhibitions and sparks a desire to experiment. Could it be the time to try something new? In the heart of the month, more precisely on the 16th, beware the Moon-Jupiter conjunction that may render your efforts bitter. A setback is an opportunity to bounce back, keep faith in yourself. The end of the month brims with hope as the beneficial aspect of Moon sextile Neptune on the 29th immerses your daily life in intuition and spiritual well-being.

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