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Our highly qualified and professional psychics are able to provide answers to all your questions about love, family, career, and more. While all of our psychic readers are talented and able to use their gifts and skills to help you, some of our psychic experts are in higher demand than others. Based on experience and other factors, these psychics often have a higher rate per minute.

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Just $1 for the first 10 minutes, for new customers only. Further consultations are available at a reduced rate of $15 for the first 10 minutes, and any additional time is charged per minute at the psychic’s standard rate, excluding the use of pre-paid packages (All prices include taxes ).

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Pricing tiers are used to charge for psychic readings over the telephone on a cost-per-minute basis (All prices include taxes).

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Psychic reading with expert psychics

There comes a time in everyone’s life when things don’t seem to be going the way we had hoped them to. Of course, the first thought is to talk with the family, friends, near and dear ones but this may not be the solution all the time. When we talk to our loved ones, we aren’t able to stay neutral and nor can they. This can lead to frustration, sadness, anger, and many other emotions. At such times, talking to a psychic can help and finally resolve the situation.

Our expert psychics our at your disposal. Easy psychics is here for you. We are very familiar with this feeling. Our skillful psychics will be more than happy to be there for you and listen to you, so that you can finally understand the ongoings of your life and what the future holds for you. Our psychics will do their best to help you out and try and find a solution. You need to go with the flow during our psychic sessions. Let us look at the importance of these astrology sessions.

Psychic reading online is now within reach

Psychic reading can be a life-changing experience. Psychic readings aren’t just meant for moments when you’re going through troubles. They are also meant for times when you seem to fixate on something for a very long time and you’re not able to understand why. It could concern love, your career, your friends, finances or even health. An expert psychic can be the solution to get advice, and this could make you see the positive side of life. Perhaps, the positive side has always been there but once in a while we all need a helping hand to point us in the right direction. Easy psychics will guide you and help you look towards the future and comprehend it better.

Let’s take the coming months for example. On the 5th of November 2021, there is a change of scene with Venus entering Capricorn. Less exalted, serious, and loyal to one’s principles of peace and love, which shall settle down in the long run. The atmosphere will be shaken up, which will be confirmed by the arrival of Mercury in Scorpio in the following hours. These two stars hold hands and shall strike a deal which will be worth what it’s worth but will help set the records straight. On the 10th and 11th of November, the Mars/Saturn square will ask to channel one’s energies, as humors will be conflicting.
Around the Full moon of the 19th of November in Taurus, Venus will form a trine with Uranus. Enough to sooth hearts and minds and offer to take refuge in the arms of the loved one, with near and dear ones, with friends, drawing energies through sharing tenderness and unwinding with Mother nature. Only a psychic can explain these elements in great detail.

Online psychic reading with expert astrologers

Now more than ever, we all seem to be living at a rapid-fire pace. The rhythm is so intense that we even forget to breathe properly at times. During the week it’s mostly about work, managing your family, daily stresses, routine and by the time you’re actually able to revitalize during the weekend, the week has already started. It’s a vicious circle. Do you ever just sit down to think, take it easy and get in touch with your feelings?

Our daily life triggers feelings like happiness, sadness, doubts, fear, gloominess etc. How about discussing these feelings with your psychic and actually understanding the events around you? It’s a neutral ground. All you need to do is be yourself and talk freely with our expert psychics. Perhaps, this is how you’ll finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. All it’ll take is a session with your very own psychic.

How do planets influence us?

Planets play an essential role in astrology. During your sessions with your psychic, he/she will explain the meaning of their influence in great detail. The main planets which play a role i astrology are Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Sun for example, symbolizes Ego, basic personality, vitality, stamina. Sun rules Leo. Moon on the other hand rules Cancer and symbolizes the subconsciousness, emotions, moods, and instincts. Mercury rules Virgo and Gemini. It symbolizes the mind, communication, intellect, reason, and intelligence. Venus rules Taurus and Libra. It symbolizes attraction, love, relationships, art, and beauty. Mars rules Aries and symbolizes Sex, action, desire, competition, courage, and passion. Mighty Jupiter, the biggest of all planets likes mischief and luck.

When Jupiter is a ruling house, it symbolizes good fortune. It favors expansion. Saturn is a serious planet and symbolizes careers, obligations, responsibilities, and engagement. Saturn rules Capricorn and Aquarius. Uranus on the other hand favors uniqueness, rebellion and likes to stand out. Neptune is a mysterious planet, symbolizing illusion, change and confusion. Neptune rules Pisces. Last but not least Pluto is the smallest planets and governs Scorpio, representing transformation, rebirth, and death. So, as you can see, every single planet is important, and each planet seems to rule a different sign. Therefore, all this leads to consequences. As you may have noticed, every planet has its very own significance. They play a key role in our lives and it all depends on our zodiac sign, natal chart, and many other things. Your astrologer shall explain this to you in greater detail, during your session.

You are in the Driver’s seat

You may be new to psychic reading. You may have an aunt, uncle, friend or even a parent who had one of these and since then you’ve been thinking about trying it out yourself. You may even feel lost these days, you may feel alone and would like to find solutions to your problems and understand your past to address the future better. During your psychic session, you’re the one who is in the driver’s seat. You are the one who decides when you wish to have your session, at what time and at the place of your choice. The best is to choose a comfortable environment, familiar, which generates warmth and security so that you can be open with your psychic during your session. Before talking about yourself, you can just chat with your psychic to break the ice and have a conversation so that you can feel secure. When you feel comfortable enough, this is when you can begin speaking with your psychic and actually express yourself as there won’t be any room for judgments but simple conversation to help you with life.

How does Free psychic reading work?

You need to create your account and once you’re all set, you need to connect. The process is rather quick and simple. The first 10 minutes cost you less than 2 dollars. We want you to experience for yourself and then make up your mind if you wish to carry on your online psychic reading. Before you begin your psychic session, clear your mind and perhaps jot down your questions or queries on a sheet of paper, because psychic reading can be overwhelming the first time and writing your questions down can help you. Many people also find it convenient to note down their questions during the psychic reading, so keep a pen and paper within reach, you never know. Connect with your psychic for a one-to-one open talk. Speak freely while talking to your psychic and be open. Don’t try to be someone else. Just be your natural self as this will help your psychic understand you, in the best possible manner. Our expert online psychics will give you professional yet personal advice.

Fall is on the way and so is the fall equinox and this happens when Sun sits on the equator in the Northern Hemisphere. The change of season also leads to a Libra season which means that one tends to focus on relationships, harmony, justice, and balance. Keeping this in mind, you’ll have questions regarding your own relationship with your partner, parents, siblings, or colleagues for that matter. Our expert psychics will need you to give as many details as possible to review your situation in a suitable manner

Our expert psychics take everything into account

Having a session with your own personal psychic online could be the answer to all your problems. They’ll take the current planet evolutions into account, before giving you a global view but also a personal one.
Your online psychic could also help you understand the coming Full moon and its opposition with Mars for example, which shall trigger mood swings, crowds, with the compelling need to feel free through actions, unhappy remarks, which will be increasingly pressing. The second important aspect is its square with Pluto. Emotions will be intensified; they shall be dictated by the desire for clarity. One will be tired of power struggles, there will be a major will to shake hands and refuse fighting with one another. In the coming months, the cardinal signs are going to be the most concerned due to this context. For Capricorns, one may usually experience these in the professional realm, as they’ll ardently oppose colleagues or associates, who don’t share their viewpoints. For Aries and Libra, couples will be subject to disputes due to material reasons like budget management. Cancers on the other hand could meet someone through work, and this will really shake them but also those things they took for granted like their marriage, family etc. Your online psychic session at Easy psychics will help you understand these planetary events in great detail.

How to have a successful psychic session with Easy psychics?

During your psychic reading, you’ll be able to ask your psychic about anything you want, to relax and bring peace to your mind. When one is with family, we can’t be objective at times or put things in perspective. We also tend to hide our feelings so that we don’t affect our family or worry them. When you’re having your online psychic reading session, you don’t need to worry about such things. In fact, on the contrary, your psychic wants you to be open and be natural so that he/she can understand the issues and your personality to give you a comprehensive and detailed reading on your current ongoings, your personal and professional life but also the future and how to tackle or welcome it! Psychics give advice for every sign. Let’s take Sagittarius and Aquarius for example. In the coming months, they will be the happy winners of this astral configuration. Sagittarius may come across new professional opportunities, which will lead to more freedom and income while Aquarians will come across a move, a transfer. Aries natives will benefit from great changing energies at work. For Libras, a romantic encounter will give a new lease on life and other perspectives. To a lesser extent, Gemini and Leos will make the most of these impulses, though it’ll be tougher for Leos to handle the context. They’ll make difficult decisions in terms of their emotional life, for their happiness and emancipation but it could also be on an impulse, but in a rather reckless manner

During your free psychic session, you can talk about your love life with your psychic but also your professional life. Your medium is going to ask you questions and you’ll need to be as honest and open as possible, so that your psychic can literally work with you and help you surpass the elements which seem to be bothering you. You can address your astral theme during your free online psychic session as your astral theme has a lot to say about you! Your astral card is the starting point to calculate your astral theme and it’ll help obtain your ascendent which corresponds to your sign. Calculating your ascendent shall unveil your personality, your nature, and the impression you give others. Your astrologer or psychic may also use tarot cards to understand you better. Every card symbolizes something, and it’ll all depend on the card you pick.

Planetary movements every month

All planets vary in speed. Some move fast and others don’t. Some remain for long in one sign and some don’t. For example, a transiting Sun could affect health, energy, and willpower. A transiting Venus can impact social life, love life. A transiting Jupiter could mean expansion and great opportunities in the future. Let’s take the coming months for example. Venus, the planet of love and desire shall be intensified in the fire sign, Sagittarius and the ruling sign, Jupiter will be in a favorable aspect with the latter from Aquarius, the sign of freedom and anti-conformism. Through this influence, we’ll look for great pleasure, without any hitches or limits. This may also be felt through the pleasures of meals but also in love. We won’t be able to put up with routine and habits anymore and will look for escape, adventures, especially if there is some risk. As Venus will be squared with Neptune in Pisces, we may be more tempted than usual with a secret relationship or an extra-marital getaway. As Neptune guides the means of escaping reality, perhaps through this influence, we may have the habit of going overboard with alcohol more than usual or other substances for some people. This Venus-Neptune square may also trigger major confusion in our emotions and our way of thinking. This way, we may be easily seduced by the hedonistic philosophies or existentialism, which may make us forget about our duties and commitments. Inversely, this same square may encourage some of us to suppress our desires and impulses through fanatic and dogmatic religious conceptions, which will be filled with disorder. Your psychic can explain these planetary movements to you, if you wish, during your psychic sessions.

Halloween and astrology

One thought that Halloween is just a day to celebrate death but actually Halloween is related to astrology as well. 31st October is on the way and this holiday which originally comes from North America has strong ancient Celtic origins, that the Irish emigrants brought along with them when they reached USA during the 19th Century. This took place when the Sun was in Scorpio, the sign of death and rebirth and for the Celtics, who called this holiday the Samain celebration. This moment was timeless, the year which went by ended but the new one hadn’t begun. During this precise moment, the veil between the worlds was quite thin and the inhabitants of Sidh, the other world, ancestors or family who had died could visit us. Therefore, this was the opportunity to organize great festivities, while the dark season began for them and would last until Beltaine, the 1st of May, when Sun would be in Taurus. Among the spirits which came back to Earth, some weren’t as well-intentioned as others. Therefore, to avoid being attacked or be carried to another world, we took the habit of disguising ourselves or wearing a mask to mislead these supernatural beings, incidentally by passing off for one of their own people. This is the origin of the gruesome costumes of Halloween.

So, you see it’s all related. Therefore, don’t wait up anymore. We are all here to guide you and help you forge ahead and embrace life finally. You can talk to your psychic through chat, phone, text message. You name it. The world is your oyster!


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Pre-Paid Minute Package Offer

We want to offer the best possible prices to our loyal customers. By purchasing pre-paid packages, you can save up to 43% compared to the standard rates per minute. These packages are valid for 1 year from the date of purchase, and can be used specifically with the same psychic.

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Easy Psychic reading makes you forge ahead

Given the current times, one needs a boost or a helping hand, perhaps some guidance to understand the on-goings and properly comprehend your environment. Easy psychics is here for you. Our platform puts expert psychics at your disposal, who can help you in case you seem to be coming across difficulties at work, trouble with your partner or loved ones.

Best online psychic reading at your disposal

How does Free online psychic read work? Contrary to what one may believe, online psychic reading can turn out to be beneficial. You can consult whenever you feel comfortable. You can call from your home if you think you’ll be more natural and express your feelings and desires or questions in a clear manner. Positive energies will encircle you while you speak with your psychic, who’ll help you understand facts of life in a calm and harmonious manner. You need to be true to yourself, while speaking with your expert psychic as it’ll help you talk more effectively and in an open manner. The best online psychic reading helps you see the positive side of life, even when you’re going through a rough patch.

Your psychic can provide you with clear and concise information, which may help you see the end of the tunnel. They can help you find your life’s purpose and perhaps understand the path which may seem complicated to you now, but could be a blessing in disguise so that you come out stronger and see life through another angle.

The importance of online psychic reading

Astrology could be tricky if you try to understand it by yourself. Planets play a key role when it comes to psychic reading. Every planet symbolizes something essential. It’s a universal element which rules over the different parts of our body, psyche, desires. One needs to take the location of planets, houses, your natal chart into account, before any online psychic reading. You may wonder what a natal chart means. Any astrologer or psychic would give great importance to the position of the Moon and the Sun, depending on the sign and house. A birth chart is a great way to understand one’s own “unclear patches”. Depending on the movement of planets in your sign and of course, depending on your birth chart, your psychic may help you understand your talents but also those you need, to develop and get in touch with your weaknesses and assets.

Let’s take a quick look at some planets. Sun for example. It symbolizes Ego, basic personality, vitality, stamina. Sun rules Leo. Moon on the other hand rules Cancer and symbolizes the subconsciousness, emotions, moods, and instincts. Mercury rules Virgo and Gemini. It symbolizes the mind, communication, intellect, reason, and intelligence. Venus rules Taurus and Libra. It symbolizes attraction, love, relationships, art and beauty. Mars rules Aries and symbolizes Sex, action, desire, competition, courage, and passion. So, as you can see, every single planet is important and each planet seems to rule a different sign. Therefore, all this leads to consequences.

Let’s have a look at October 2021. On the 22nd of October 2021 at 6:16 am CET, Mars will form a square with Pluto. One will feel the influence of this aspect, until the 26th. Mars will be exiled in Libra, which means it’ll be in a sign with an opposed energy compared to itself, due to which it shall express in an anarchic and violent manner. In Libra, Mars will make relations tough and tense. But mostly within couples by triggering fights and crisis and in some cases, it could lead to break-ups. Pluto will be squared with Mars, and it’ll be in Capricorn, a sign which represents social order, traditions but also career and possibilities for professional advancement. One can expect clashes, questions at work. Contracts may not be renewed, and others may be reported within competent jurisdictions. Our habits in life may be shaken up. We may have the habit of running away from others and try to take refuge through some solitude. For others on the contrary, one may be forced to be isolated, in a small committee which could set the world on fire and trigger clashes. We can clearly see that the planets are going to make an impact on the world and shake up human relations.

Given what’s going to happen or what could happen, an online psychic reader is an expert who is not only familiar with these planets, their movements, and the consequences they can entail but also how they can affect your sign. Most of all, they can help you during tough times when you need some clarity in your life. They can highlight your talents, perhaps those you can’t seem to see yourself and help you use these, to surpass the tough times you may be coming across either at work, home or anywhere else for that matter.

Get ready for your psychic reading

Now how does Free psychic reading work? You need to create your account and once you’re all set, you need to connect. The process is rather quick and simple. The first 10 minutes cost you less than 2 dollars. We want you to experience for yourself and then make up your mind if you wish to carry on your online psychic reading. Before you begin your psychic session, clear your mind and perhaps jot down your questions or queries on a sheet of paper, because psychic reading can be overwhelming the first time and writing your questions down can help you. Many people also find it convenient to note down their questions during the psychic reading, so keep a pen and paper within reach, you never know. Connect with your psychic for a one-to-one open talk. Speak freely while talking to your psychic and be open. Don’t try to be someone else. Just be your natural self as this will help your psychic understand you, in the best possible manner. Our expert online psychics will give you professional yet personal advice.

Fall is on the way and so is the fall equinox and this happens when Sun sits on the equator in the Northern Hemisphere. The change of season also leads to a Libra season which means that one tends to focus on relationships, harmony, justice, and balance. Keeping this in mind, you’ll have questions regarding your own relationship with your partner, parents, siblings, or colleagues for that matter. Our expert psychics will need you to give as many details as possible to review your situation in a suitable manner.

Seasonal changes aren’t easy for anyone especially when one leaves behind summer with the bright days, perhaps holidays memories with family or friends and then one suddenly heads for fall. A beautiful season but it’s dark out rather early. So, it’s important to cleanse your mind and stop pondering or soul searching so much. Maybe this could be an opportunity to do some sorting through at home and keep your windows open, even if it’s cold outside. Just 10 minutes daily can favor welcoming the positive energies and getting rid of the negative ones.

Our online psychics suggest going out for a run, hiking, and getting in touch with nature when things don’t seem to be going the way you would want them to. You can even hug a tree and absorb all its energies. You’ll be able to have meaningful conversations with our expert psychics, who’ll do their best to help you understand yourself and the ongoings around you.

Understand conflicts and solutions with your psychic

Having a session with your own personal psychic online could be the answer to all your problems. They’ll take the current planet evolutions into account, before giving you a global view but also a personal one. Let’s take the Mars-Pluto square in October for example. It could intensify some international clashes, mainly in Afghanistan, a country positioned under Capricorn. It may be tough to find diplomatic solutions to handle the crisis, which is triggered due to the return of Taliban and the country could be struck by armed conflict. Moreover, this square could intensify existing tensions within states, between governments and their populations. In France, challenges will be increasingly present, mainly due to a rise of action within the justice, aiming for the government and initiated by society organizations and associations. An online psychic will help you understand this even better and you can ask all the questions you want. The session will revolve around sharing and mutual trust.

Your online psychic could also help you understand the coming Full moon and its opposition with Mars, which shall trigger mood swings, crowds, with the compelling need to feel free through actions, unhappy remarks, which will be increasingly pressing. The second important aspect is its square with Pluto. Emotions will be intensified; they shall be dictated by the desire for clarity. One will be tired of power struggles, there will be a major will to shake hands and refuse fighting with one another. In the coming months, the cardinal signs are going to be the most concerned due to this context. For Capricorns, one may usually experience these in the professional realm, as they’ll ardently oppose colleagues or associates, who don’t share their viewpoints. For Aries and Libra, couples will be subject to disputes due to material reasons like budget management. Cancers on the other hand could meet someone through work, and this will really shake them but also those things they took for granted like their marriage, family etc. You can try and understand this context in further detail with your online psychic reader.

Being natural leads to positive consequences

During your psychic reading, you’ll be able to ask your psychic anything you want, to relax and bring peace to your mind. When one is with family, we can’t be objective at times or put things in perspective. We also tend to hide our feelings so that we don’t affect our family or worry them. When you’re having your online psychic reading session, you don’t need to worry about such things. In fact, on the contrary, your psychic wants you to be open and be natural so that he/she can understand the issues and your personality to give you a comprehensive and detailed reading on your current ongoings, your personal and professional life but also the future and how to tackle or welcome it! Psychics give advice for every sign. Let’s take Sagittarius and Aquarius for example. In the coming months, they will be the happy winners of this astral configuration. Sagittarius may come across new professional opportunities, which will lead to more freedom and income while Aquarians will come across a move, a transfer. Aries natives will benefit from great changing energies at work. For Libras, a romantic encounter will give a new lease on life and other perspectives. To a lesser extent, Gemini and Leos will make the most of these impulses, though it’ll be tougher for Leos to handle the context. They’ll make difficult decisions in terms of their emotional life, for their happiness and emancipation but it could also be on an impulse, but in a rather reckless manner.

What are the topics covered during a free psychic session?

During your free psychic session, you can talk about your love life with your psychic but also your professional life. Your medium is going to ask you questions and you’ll need to be as honest and open as possible, so that your psychic can literally work with you and help you surpass the elements which seem to be bothering you. You can address your astral theme during your free online psychic session as your astral theme has a lot to say about you! Your astral card is the starting point to calculate your astral theme and it’ll help obtain your ascendent which corresponds to your sign. Calculating your ascendent shall unveil your personality, your nature and the impression you give others. Your astrologer or psychic may also use tarot cards to understand you better. Every card symbolizes something, and it’ll all depend on the card you pick.

This is the reason why you need to book a session with your online psychic to properly understand what lies ahead. Don’t wait up and begin your first session right away! We’ll be delighted to discuss with you!
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