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Cancer Monthly Horoscope


- July 2024 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    The Moon-Mars conjunction on the 1st provides a surge of vitality, perfect for exploring new cultures. It's the time to bolster your vigor through the unknown. But beware, the Moon sextile Saturn on the 29th demands restraint, you will need to demonstrate endurance and not be overwhelmed by the initial euphoria. Trust your intuition that day to stay on the straight path. So, ready to set off on an adventure?

  • Your love life

    Singles, you feel an attraction for a familiar face. This is potentially thrilling, yet beware of misunderstandings on the 11th with Moon opposing Neptune. Clarify your intentions to avoid any discord. For couples, a wave of tenderness warms your relationship. Rediscover the joy of being together, and remember that communication is key during this tense lunar passage around the middle of the month. Ultimately, it's about harmonizing your desires with those of your partner to fully experience this month under the emblem of love.

  • Your career

    From the onset of the month, you nurture an enriching team spirit. However, your independence and personal ideas should not be overlooked. On the 13th, with the Sun-Moon square, there's a tension between these two forces. Remain flexible. Toward the month's end, the Moon-Jupiter conjunction brings a breath of creative renewal and the needed openness to balance these competing forces. You will then discover that compromise is not a limitation but a path toward professional fulfilment.

  • Your finances

    Anticipate a period of tranquility at the start of the month. Your finances are steady, allowing you the luxury of relishing life's simple pleasures without financial strain. However, as we approach mid-July, with the Moon opposing Neptune, you might be drawn to make rash purchases on gadgets or experiences. Desires are fleeting... Exercise caution! This financial stability is valuable for bracing against unforeseen circumstances. By the month's end, this return to the basics heightens your self-esteem and makes pleasure priceless. So, why spend more?

  • Your wellbeing

    This month promises a beautiful vital energy. With the Moon-Mars conjunction on the 1st, you kick off the month on high gear! It would be wise to develop a sports or wellness program to channel this energy. Be careful, however, not to scatter too much with the opposition between the Moon and Neptune on the 11th, a day where you will embody serenity and tranquility. At the end of the month, let inspiration do its work: other routines will naturally come to you with all the good habits you have created. A change in tranquility, does that tempt you?

  • Your astro-dates

    On the 1st, a surge of dynamism shatters your routine with the Moon conjunct Mars. On the 13th, beware of illusions and confusing situations: the Moon forms a square with Neptune. Finally, on the 29th, seize the rush of creativity that prevails, thanks to the Moon sextile Saturn. It's the perfect time to embark on projects that are dear to your heart and express your individuality. So, ready to embrace these opportunities?

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