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Watch out! Mercury retrogrades again!

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It’s going to force us to revisit and rethink what we want for our future, what we need to change, correct and improve. This starts officially on December 3, with the Gemini Full Moon, and it would be a good idea to slow down the day before to get ready for the big shift.It’s going to be a time of frustrations, delays and complications so taking things easy is the better option. As Mercury retrogrades in an air sign, you’re going to be highly communicative. There will be a lot of talking and you’d better listen carefully to what people tell you in order to avoid misunderstandings.

It will be difficult to be objective and keep your emotions under control, but this is the challenge you will be facing during this 3 weeks period. It isn’t a time for action, it is a time for correction and preparation. You can nevertheless return to the past if you need to finish something up or to give another chance to a relationship.But if you plan to sign a lease or a contract, to buy something big or to hire someone, it would be better to wait until Mercury goes back direct again December 23.

Everything will get back to normal after Christmas though, so be patient and don’t rush anything up before then. Don’t make any change, you might regret it later! The beginning of 2018 will see Uranus going direct again in Aries, so you’re advised to wait until January 2 before making big decisions. You will have, by then, all the clues and answers you were looking for and you will be able to peacefully head in a new direction. As Mercury retrogrades in Sagittarius, a Fire sign, it might be difficult for you to keep focused and grounded.

You might want to achieve a lot as the festive season draws to an end, but you will feel trapped, everything will take more time and you will get nervous. Just try to go with the flow, keep your expectations in check or you might feel disappointed or disillusioned. As Mercury was at a 29o angle with Sagittarius when it started to retrograde, it might take up till January 10 to adjust to the situation, when it will get back to this exact degree again. So, pay attention to the events unfolding around you till then but don’t put any extra pressure on your own shoulders, you’ve surely had enough by now!

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