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What is the focus for Virgo in 2019?

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2018 might have destabilized your routine and your attitude towards money and for some, sex.

You might have made a big choice, but it wasnt easy.

You should be stable by the beginning of 2019, knowing what you want and what you dont want.

The wild planet of the zodiac Uranus, will change sign on March 6, encouraging you to open up to new styles of living especially foreign places.

You wont be satisfied with the old same routines, you will look for more exciting adventures.

Uranus will retrograde from August 12 to January 10, 2020, you wont have any control. You will have to be flexible and adapt. Your sense of security and self-esteem will suffer, but you will learn in the process.

Pluto is in Capricorn in 2019, you will benefit from it if you are adaptable enough and can survive different scenarios. Your new life will fit your values, your tastes and your life purpose.

Pluto will retrograde from April 24 to October 3, it might be a period when you discover skills you had never used before. Dont waste time if you feel like experiencing your passions, differently.

Neptune will keep going in Pisces in 2019, its own sign, you could live a very special and spiritual relationship, or you could find yourself used and abused by your partner. Dont stay in a position that keeps you as a victim, you face hurt and remain damaged.

Neptune will retrograde from June 21 to November 27, Disillusions are frequent at this time as well as confusion and feelings of getting lost, not knowing where to head off. Dont worry, this too, will pass.

Saturn stays in Capricorn, its own sign, in 2019, its more powerful there and serious. Hard work and discipline wont scare you, you have a strong will and a precise goal to achieve. Patience is on your side.

Saturn will retrograde from April 29 to September 18, it will teach you what you need to know before going forwards.

Just withdraw a bit at this time, realize how much you have progressed. And get ready for the following experiences.

Jupiter in its own sign the Sagittarius, during 2019 will boost your self-esteem and your optimism. If you have planned a house extension, this is the perfect timing. Jupiter brings expansion and success.

Jupiter will retrograde from April 10 to August 11, just dont gamble or take any risks during this period. Play it safe and enjoy what you have already accomplished. Remaining positive, is the key.

2019 seems an interesting year, full of new things that you will love it. It might have taken time and thought before finally making the decision to leave the past behind and move on!

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