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Capricorn Daily Horoscope

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- July 17th, 2024 -

  • Astro news

    Astro news

    With the Sun sextile to Mars-Uranus, you are presently overwhelmed with energy! Harness this momentum to tackle a task that requires endurance. Stay vigilant...

  • LOVE

    In a relationship

    The compassion of your partner appears to you as more remote, as if there was a lack of interest on their part. Perhaps you're expecting a bit too much, do not despair, it's transitory. Try a gentle and direct approach, bring it to their notice and everything will fall back into place. Communication is the key word.


    A potential romantic breakthrough could arrive today, but don't rush. Take the time you have to determine if it truly aligns with your desires. The most sound decisions are those thoroughly pondered—you know this all too well!

    Love advice

    In a relationship, rediscover seduction through subtle exchanges of glances. Rekindle the passion of your initial moments of infatuation. For those unattached, let your face express what you feel. Observation can awaken unexplored sentiments or strengthen existing ties. Pluto's influence makes everything more intense today!



    Office gossip is making the rounds, and you find yourself distracted. Yet, you know full well that work comes first! With Mercury squaring Mars-Uranus, unpleasant tensions may surface. Exercise diplomacy and stay focused on your goals.

    Your finances

    The machine that breaks down, the coffee maker that gives up the ghost, or the toaster that incinerates everything, it all gets on your nerves! Instead of getting worked up, rationalize your expenses. Compare prices, consider less costly options, and think carefully before dipping into your savings. It often all happens at once!


    Health & wellbeing

    Invoke a sweeping hiatus from your screens! It's the perfect time to grapple with a digital detoxification. Try turning off your phone for a few hours, experience the tranquillity. You might be taken aback by the benefits.


    Friends & family

    Take the time to listen to a loved one's worries. Your attentive ear and advice can reassure them. Good communication is always beneficial.

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