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Capricorn Daily Horoscope

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- July 28th, 2024 -

  • Astro news

    Astro news

    Under the glow of Mars sextile Neptune, it's time to contemplate grounded strategies. Shun distractions, focus, and spring into action! It is the ideal moment to crystallize your objectives.

  • LOVE

    In a relationship

    Steer clear of frivolous disputes, cut to the chase, share genuine feelings and spur your partner to do likewise. Clarity invariably triumphs over conflict, and love is grounded in mutual understanding. Be kind and authentic, be yourself.


    Today, you might be tempted to envisage the future in the glow of recent encounters. Beware, disillusionment risks lurk. Take advantage of your freedom to try new experiences, maintain control over your life. Your happiness, after all, rests primarily upon yourself!

    Love advice

    At the core of relationships, the management of responsibilities will prove to be indispensable. Show your partner how much you value balance and mutual respect. If you're single, employ humor to woo. Under Mars sextile to Neptune, do not underestimate the power of laughter!



    At the office, do not allow yourself to be sidetracked by gossip. It is critical to make the most of your time and stay focused on your professional objectives. Under the square of Mercury to Uranus, you risk misunderstandings and unnecessary complications. Hold your course!

    Your finances

    Stay alert! Review your bills and overlook no detail, an anomaly could have slipped past your notice. Act swiftly to rectify the situation and maintain the balance of your finances. To err is human, but it can come at a steep cost.


    Health & wellbeing

    Envision criticisms as opportunities to grow, meet them with renewed motivation. Do not let the opinions of others weigh on your well-being, but use them as a lever to move forward and strengthen yourself.


    Friends & family

    Trusting is fundamental, yet lending a treasured item to a friend also calls for a measure of discernment. Is it the right time? At present, it is better to steer clear of any discomfort.

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