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Capricorn Daily Horoscope

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- August 1st, 2024 -

  • Astro news

    Astro news

    The meeting of Uranus and Pluto compels boldness. Possible destabilization in your routine, expect the unexpected, it is time to review your plans. Change is on the horizon!

  • LOVE

    In a relationship

    In a relationship, a mutual desire to devote yourselves to each other invigorates you. To experience an unforgettable day, stepping out of your reserve could be the missing piece of the puzzle. Be candid, reveal your feelings, and go beyond the unspoken.


    A sensation of freedom uplifts you. Your friends and your passions form the core of your fulfilment. An unexpected urge to share even more? Whether a strike of lightning or a long-time friend, someone has caught your eye. Have you considered making the first move?

    Love advice

    A disruption of customary plans lies on the horizon. For the single among you, this is the ideal opportunity to break free from the mundane. As for those in relationships, a storm may well stir up latent tensions. The key is to remain open to dialogue and receptive. With Uranus in play, know that all is possible!



    Concerned about a wage gap? Today, Uranus might just be your greatest ally. Sprinkle in a dose of audacity and dare to make that long-awaited proposal to your superior. A change is on the horizon. To transform, one must first dare!

    Your finances

    Negotiating the cost of a significant purchase, particularly if it involves a durable good, might seem unsettling to you, yet every saved euro matters. So, take a deep breath and spring into action. You could be astounded by the outcome!


    Health & wellbeing

    An urge to compare yourself with others may surface. Resist that impulse. Find joy in exploring your unique abilities and strengths. This personal journey of self-exploration will enhance your well-being and boost your confidence. Remember, you are one of a kind!


    Friends & family

    Foster forthright dialogue with your loved ones, eschewing the over-defense of your beliefs, lucidly lay out your perspective. Express yourself authentically, forever heedful to the voices of others.

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