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Gemini Daily Horoscope

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- January 12th, 2024 -

  • Astro news

    Astro news

    Beware, a sour mood is staining your relationships, be they romantic or friendly. Mercury in square to Neptune may sow confusion. Remain calm and clear in your communications.

  • LOVE

    In a relationship

    Set aside this evening to plan your next romantic getaway. Be it between two surfboards or in a mountain cabin, let respect guide your choice. A successful trip is, above all, about listening to the other. And that hasn't exactly been your strong suit these days!


    It's time to sort through your stuff. You stumble upon that photo, a memento of a bygone story. Don't throw it away, but stash it as far away as possible. There's no need to stay fixated on bad memories. Let go, move on to something else. You know very well that it's necessary to move forward.

    Love advice

    Today's climate of love calls for honesty and trust. Speak candidly about your expectations, whether single or in a relationship. The proximity of the luminaries to Pluto nudges towards intense exchanges. Do not flee, it is the recommended path towards accomplished happiness.



    In the face of job loss, stay accountable. Don't let yourself be overwhelmed by emotions too intense. Friendly planets, including a determined Mars, give you the strength to bounce back. Update your resume, reach out to your network. A new opportunity awaits you.

    Your finances

    At the supermarket, take your time to compare prices. Opt for the items on sale, Jupiter is nudging you towards being lax with your expenses! Every penny counts. This habit of financial management might surprise you with the savings you'll accumulate.


    Health & wellbeing

    After a grueling week, don't forget to unwind. Stretching is paramount to ward off muscle aches and aid in recovery. Hydrate yourself and allow for a well-deserved restful moment.


    Friends & family

    Plan a little shindig to welcome these fresh faces among you! Hot beverages, homemade pies, it's a golden opportunity to weave new, strong relationships.

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