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Gemini Daily Horoscope

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- February 20th, 2024 -

  • Astro news

    Astro news

    The conjunction between Mars and Venus sows confusion. At work, beware of missteps! Make thoughtful decisions, especially in the realm of interpersonal relationships.

  • LOVE

    In a relationship

    Steer clear of distractions that impede your relationship. Take the time to delve deeper, to converse with your partner. Who knows, maybe you'll uncover new subjects that ignite passion in both of you?


    It's time to sift through your friendships! Some may be holding you back in your quest for independence and personal fulfillment. Don't be afraid to put a bit of distance, sometimes it's for the better return.

    Love advice

    It's crucial to approach the issue of commitment with tranquility. The influence of the Moon/Jupiter sextile could foster a gentle and positive approach with your partner, or someone you fancy. Prioritize conversation!



    Is an office dispute causing you stress? The square aspect between Mercury and Uranus can breed misunderstandings. Adopt a conciliatory demeanor, ask for clarifications before you overreact. Diplomacy will be your best ally today.

    Your finances

    Planning a significant purchase in the near future? Begin setting aside funds now, even if they're small amounts. It's time to exercise caution against impulsive spending. In the long run, demonstrating discipline always pays off.


    Health & wellbeing

    The incessant comparison with others can harm personal balance. Today, put a brake on this obsession. Remember, each path is unique, just like yours!


    Friends & family

    Refrain from casting judgment upon yourself or others for an entire day. One often observes more genuine exchanges..

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