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Leo Daily Horoscope

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- July 17th, 2024 -

  • Astro news

    Astro news

    Your solar energy is shining brighter than ever. Are you contemplating a career change? The questions are on their way, under Pluto's influence. Think carefully before you take the leap.

  • LOVE

    In a relationship

    In your relationship, laughter is the main ingredient! Like good friends, you share congenial moments. The small pleasures of everyday life are to be fully appreciated. Don't hesitate to value these moments. If you're cooking their favorite dish or if they give you a compliment, savour it without restraint!


    A fresh exchange may initiate today. Not necessarily romantic, a good friend or a new acquaintance are also beautiful encounters. Stay alert, listen to what others have to say. You have all the time for this, make the most of it!

    Love advice

    Hardships are an opportunity to strengthen the bond. In a relationship, when faced with turmoil, draw from your mutual love to overcome obstacles. Do not lose hope! If you're single, a spark might ignite in a professional setting. Keep an open mind and let yourself be swept up in the romantic energy of the Moon-Venus trine.



    Negative thoughts following unjust criticisms at work? Try to visualize things positively. Imagine that the Mars-Uranus conjunction is charging you with energy to transform this hurdle into an opportunity. Don't let the judgement of others undermine your confidence, keep moving forward!

    Your finances

    Beware of impulsive purchases, ideas get muddled! Take the time to envisage your financial future before pulling out your bank card. It's better to attribute value to each expenditure rather than buying thoughtlessly. Savings begin with daily, small gestures.


    Health & wellbeing

    Following a dip in energy after an overly hearty meal, it is recommended to take a walk for rejuvenation. Without exhausting yourself, a bit of exercise will assist in regaining vitality. Give it a try, you'll see!


    Friends & family

    A waterfall of confidences between friends? It's time to speak fearlessly about a jealousy that might seem childish. Don't keep everything to yourself. Express yourself, it's liberating!

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