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Leo Daily Horoscope

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- July 19th, 2024 -

  • Astro news

    Astro news

    Between the opposition of Sun-Pluto and the square of Mercury-Uranus, tensions are perceptible. Remain flexible in the face of the unexpected, especially at work. A conflict can prove beneficial if handled with tact and diplomacy. Beware of your impulsivity.

  • LOVE

    In a relationship

    Minor vexations lie ahead, but never forget that love conquers all. Shun reproaches, they lead to nothing. Choose instead to embrace dialogue and patience, for all storms pass. To love is also to know how to listen to each other.


    A chance encounter could spice up your day. Don't let this opportunity slip through your fingers. Be yourself, genuine and spontaneous. Seize your freedom to explore all possibilities. But above all, don't forget to cherish those moments of solitude where you can do as you please!

    Love advice

    In a relationship, never forget that love means a daily voyage of discovery. Each day is a new page to be written together. For you, the single ones, exploring your sexuality and your own desires is vital for a future relationship. Pluto opposing the Sun hints at possible tensions but also fresh perspectives. Keep an eye on patience.



    Identifying opportunities is your foremost objective today. Devising a fitting strategy will allow you to forge ahead. With Mars aligned with Uranus, take bold initiatives, while remaining grounded and rational. Your tenacity will bear fruit.

    Your finances

    Perhaps it's time to mend those old broken glasses or invest in a new pair. Sometimes, a bit of pragmatism aids in balancing the budget. Trim your unnecessary expenditures. Being judicious with your money today will bring you tranquility tomorrow.


    Health & wellbeing

    Facing reproaches is not always easy, but they can be constructive. See this as an opportunity to progress and not as a failure. Take some time to refocus and find balance.


    Friends & family

    Show generosity towards a loved one in need. A small gesture can make a big difference. Explore this path, it will strengthen the bonds and bring a more convivial atmosphere into the family.

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