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Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

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- November 28th, 2023 -

  • Astro news

    Astro news

    With the Sun-Mars conjunction in the sign, you're blessed with a potent surge of energy to reach your goals. Be cautious of overconfidence, Neptune can create misunderstandings.

  • LOVE

    In a relationship

    A breeze of lightness is sweeping across your romantic relationships. Share a common activity, this moment of camaraderie aims to reignite the flame! But beware of careless words, they risk being misinterpreted. Sometimes, silence is worth a thousand words. Love is also a matter of listening and mutual respect.


    A fresh energy compels you to step outside your comfort zone. Encounters beckon spontaneity, openness. However, remain watchful, for not everything is as it appears! Appearances can be deceiving. Keep your feet firmly on the ground, but don't close your heart to the surprise of unexpected love.

    Love advice

    Whether you're flying solo or paired up, the key to the day lies in authentic communication. Express your emotions with tact and respect. However, be careful not to get lost in trivialities, stay attuned to the other's desires. Actions often speak louder than words. Trust your intuition.



    Your dynamism and energy are hitting the mark today! Seize this momentum to advance your projects. Be careful with your words, a misunderstanding can quickly arise. Listen more, speak less. Call upon your sense of diplomacy in your relationships to avoid any unnecessary conflict.

    Your finances

    Keep a watchful eye on your impulsive spending. A financial gain is possible, but beware of illusions. Before committing to an investment, make sure you fully understand all the implications. Caution is your ally. Take the time for analysis.


    Health & wellbeing

    Your energy is at its peak today. Seize the opportunity to engage in some physical activity. Be careful, however, not to exhaust yourself. Rest and relaxation, a guaranteed balance!


    Friends & family

    Your loved ones admire your dynamism, don't hesitate to share it with them. But choose your words carefully to avoid misunderstandings. Attentive listening is worth its weight in gold.

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