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Scorpio Daily Horoscope

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- July 23rd, 2024 -

  • Astro news

    Astro news

    The Mercury-Moon opposition incites misunderstandings. Beware of confusion in communications. Urgent clarifications are to be anticipated.

  • LOVE

    In a relationship

    Within the bonds of partnership, the prevailing edginess could spark a flare. Fear not, laughter will be your ally. A well-timed joke and the tensions will take flight. Humor softens the manners while bolstering camaraderie. To laugh together, therein lies the secret!


    Courtship is afoot. You finally embrace the game of love, yet you do not forget your friends, they stand by you. Make the most of your solitary time to strengthen these bonds of friendship, that matters too!

    Love advice

    Savor the flourishing by strengthening bonds or experimenting with encounters sprinkled with surprise. The day's opposition between the Moon and Mercury fosters misunderstandings. Don't let misconceptions spoil the impulses of seduction! Be careful to communicate your intentions clearly.



    Exhibit diplomacy during romantic dialogues in a professional setting. The Sun-Pluto opposition could lead to rivalries. Favor subtlety, discreet smiles, far from unwelcome ardors. Good luck!

    Your finances

    Do not succumb to the allure of novelty, and focus your attention on fair-trade products. Why not reorganize your belongings a bit? Making new from the old, that's the idea. It's time to peruse the flea markets. You could save some money!


    Health & wellbeing

    Is adjusting to a sudden shift in schedule tough? Don't overlook your diet, be mindful of your nibbles. Meals suited to the right times will be your secret weapon against this time change.


    Friends & family

    Planning a family gathering? That's perfect! However, approach contentious topics with caution, tact, and a sense of humor to avoid conflicts. That's the secret to a successful meal!

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