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Scorpio Daily Horoscope

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- July 29th, 2024 -

  • Astro news

    Astro news

    The Moon squared to Venus underscores difficulties in interpersonal relationships. Speak openly about your feelings to sidestep misunderstandings.

  • LOVE

    In a relationship

    In tandem, beware, a critical juncture is approaching, with the risk of differing viewpoints. Dodging tension and maintaining harmony is of utmost importance. Stay attentive and step back to express your thoughts calmly. In doing so, you can avoid any quarrel and preserve your camaraderie.


    Independence continues to be your ally, a delightful surprise is lurking! A potential end to your singlehood looms on the horizon. Combine your spontaneity and allow yourself to have fun, for it is in mirth and lightness that the most beautiful encounters occur!

    Love advice

    In your relationship, you're striving to fortify intimacy. Share privileged moments, listen without judgment. Single, proactive in the art of seduction, remain authentic. A slight tension due to the Moon square Venus might be possible today. Exercise patience and everything will eventually settle.



    A diverse viewpoint surfaces in your work, don't perceive this as a hurdle, quite the opposite, harness these contradictions, they will spark innovation. Give thanks to Saturn sextile to the Moon! Perseverance carries you. Stay focused, exertions towards the final goal will prove beneficial. Differences of opinion? Convert them into a springboard to success..

    Your finances

    Today is the perfect time to renegotiate a mortgage or a phone subscription, do not hesitate to demand more. Paying attention to the small details and good preparation can lead to significant savings.


    Health & wellbeing

    Do you feel a burden of overwork pressing on your well-being? Now is the time to value moments of respite. Breathe, listen to your body, don't forget what matters most, relishing each moment despite the stress.


    Friends & family

    An awkward joke sows confusion among friends. Steer clear of needless frictions. A diplomatic smile can work wonders. Kindness above all!

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