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Scorpio Daily Horoscope

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- August 1st, 2024 -

  • Astro news

    Astro news

    Under the Sun sextile to Mars, you overflow with energy! It's the perfect time to tackle lingering issues at the office. But go easy on yourself, there's no need to exhaust your resources.

  • LOVE

    In a relationship

    Is a little secret gnawing at you? This is the perfect moment to share it with your partner. It will strengthen your bond and bring you unexpected relief. Sometimes, opening up sets you free more than you could ever envisage.


    Thanks to a fresh burst of energy, the time is ripe for you to take on challenges. A breakup can hurt, but it also frees up time, and allows you to uncover new passions. Why not refurbish that old bicycle in the garage?

    Love advice

    In partnership, expressing your expectations clearly is vital to ward off misunderstandings and frustrations. Don't be afraid to lay out the foundation of what you seek. For the single ones, a friendship could evolve into something more serious. Such is the magic of everyday life!



    Your feelings for that office mate keep burgeoning? Tread carefully, as Neptune squared with the Moon could muddle your perceptions. Before you act, ask yourself if this indeed is the right person for you. Think twice before blending love and work.

    Your finances

    Have you been observing your accounts awash in red for a while? By returning to basics, you will see an improvement. Do you really need all these pointless things you're being coerced into buying? Think twice before acting, it will be to your benefit.


    Health & wellbeing

    It is crucial to diminish your negative emotions. Share your sentiments with someone in whom you have faith. The lightness experienced thereafter is frequently astonishing.


    Friends & family

    In challenging times, having support is invaluable. Daring to ask for help can make all the difference. Your circle is there for you, do not remain secluded.

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