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Taurus Daily Horoscope

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- October 17th, 2023 -

  • Astro news

    Astro news

    The Moon in Scorpio creates tension and intense emotions. Venus in Virgo encourages harmonious love interactions. Taurus, a day of challenges and enriching connections awaits you!

  • LOVE

    In a relationship

    Venus in Virgo exalts your loving and devoted side, Taurus in love. Use this day to deepen your connection and share your feelings. Be careful, the Moon in Scorpio promises intense emotions. Don't be afraid of waves of passion: ride them for mutually gratifying pleasure.


    Venus in Virgo enhances your sensual charm today. The Moon in Scorpio could trigger emotional intensities. Don't fight against the tide, let your feelings guide you. You might be surprised by what you will discover. Dive into love!

    Love advice

    Use the soothing energy of Venus in Virgo to deepen intimacy, whether you are in a relationship or single. However, the Moon in Scorpio can evoke strong emotions. Your advice for the day: don't resist this intensity. Let yourself be carried away by it to enrich your love life.



    Jupiter in Taurus offers a professional boost. It's a strong moment to achieve your goals. However, the Moon in Scorpio could generate some tensions. Stay on course, Taurus, your perseverance will soon be rewarded.

    Your finances

    Uranus in Taurus could push you to make bold investments. However, the Moon in Scorpio suggests potential anxiety around finances. Be innovative, but cautious. This is the perfect time to create a clear budget.


    Health & wellbeing

    Mars in Scorpio gives a boost to your energy. However, the Moon could affect your emotional balance. Think about relaxation!


    Friends & family

    The Moon in Scorpio can create tensions. Be able to detect the positive around you, Taurus. Your entourage appreciates your loyalty and constancy!

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