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Taurus Daily Horoscope

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- October 27th, 2023 -

  • Astro news

    Astro news

    With the Mars-Mercury conjunction in Scorpio, expect an intense day full of lively debates. The presence of Jupiter in your sign could well stimulate your expansion and growth.

  • LOVE

    In a relationship

    The presence of Jupiter in your sign, dear Taurus, could bring expansion to your relationship. Although Mars in Scorpio could initiate some confrontations, use it as a platform for honest communication and a better mutual understanding. Love is in the little things, don't forget to appreciate them.


    Dear Taurus, the position of Jupiter in your sign inspires optimism and the possibility of encounters. Don't be surprised if someone comes knocking on your door, unexpectedly! Mars in Scorpio could well stimulate your passionate side. Keep an open mind and a ready heart.

    Love advice

    In this intense day, nestled under the weight of Mars and Mercury in Scorpio, passion is the order of the day. Taurus, your fiery spirit attracts attention. New love or the consolidation of old bonds, everything is possible. Draw on the strength of Jupiter to become your own Cupid!



    Despite a busy day under the influence of Mars and Mercury in Scorpio, you benefit from the benevolence of Jupiter in Taurus. Anticipate conflicts and turn them into opportunities for growth. Your legendary patience is your greatest ally.

    Your finances

    With Jupiter in the sign, there is luck in the air, especially in the financial aspect. Nevertheless, the presence of Mars in Scorpio invites caution. Show discernment in your decisions in order to make the most of this day.


    Health & wellbeing

    With Mars in Scorpio, your energy could be overflowing today! Take advantage of this vitality, but don't forget to take the time to relax to avoid exhaustion.


    Friends & family

    With Mercury stuck between Mars and the Sun, your exchanges are likely to be... spicy! But don't worry, your charm will disarm potential conflicts. Stay cool and everything will be fine.

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