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Taurus Daily Horoscope

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- October 28th, 2023 -

  • Astro news

    Astro news

    Today, Sun-Mercury-Mars in Scorpio means boldness and dynamism. But the opposition of the Moon in Aries could create some tensions. Be cautious, Taurus.

  • LOVE

    In a relationship

    The trio Sun-Mars-Mercury in Scorpio enhances your charm, dear Taurus. The day is ideal for expressing your love, intensely. But beware of this Moon in Aries, it could provoke disputes. Avoid arguments, prioritize cuddles. Pleasure will definitely bring you closer!


    The Sun conjunct Mars in Scorpio ignites your sensuality, it's the ideal day to seduce. However, the Moon in Aries could make encounters conflictual. Maintain your calm and focus on establishing authentic connections. You may be surprised by the intensity of the shared emotions.

    Love advice

    The triple conjunction of Sun-Mercury-Mars favors passionate impulses today. However, the Moon and its negative aspects suggest some tensions. Whether you are in a relationship or single, rely on clear communication to avoid misunderstandings. Remember, your charm is your greatest strength, use it wisely.



    The presence of Jupiter in Taurus gives you a renewed confidence in the workplace. But a quite agitated Moon could create some conflicts. Force yourself to listen, remain patient and be diplomatic to navigate calmly through the challenges of the day.

    Your finances

    With Uranus in Taurus, financial surprises are to be expected, Taurus friend. However, be cautious in the face of the Moon's square. This is the perfect time to plan for future expenses or investments. Don't rush into anything and seek advice if necessary.


    Health & wellbeing

    Dear Taurus, a somewhat turbulent Moon could affect your energy. Make sure to take some time to recharge. Engaging in calm activities and getting some rest will help you find balance.


    Friends & family

    With Jupiter in Taurus, your charisma impresses those around you. However, the Moon in Aries could create some tension. Maintain harmony through good communication.

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