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Taurus Daily Horoscope

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- November 4th, 2023 -

  • Astro news

    Astro news

    With Jupiter in Taurus, the day promises a few pleasant surprises, although the influence of the Sun-Fortune Part square may disrupt the atmosphere.

  • LOVE

    In a relationship

    In a duo, today the invigorating energy of Mars in Scorpio could awaken your sensual side. The Mercury-Uranus opposition encourages you to push your limits. To maintain a harmonious balance, be open and sincere with your partner.


    The Mercury-Mars conjunction is likely to ignite your desire for adventures. A new partner could enter the scene and shake up your ideals. Do not hesitate to explore new sensations, stay connected to your true feelings. It's a day of discoveries. Enjoy the thrill of the unexpected!

    Love advice

    In a relationship or single, the passionate energy of Mars in Scorpio awakens all your desires. The Mercury-Uranus opposition prompts you to double your efforts to raise the temperature with your partners. Push the boundaries of intimacy.



    Under the influence of Jupiter in Taurus, professional opportunities multiply. However, Mars' opposition will reignite certain conflicts. Show diplomacy and avoid unnecessary confrontations. Confirm your position without triggering rivalries.

    Your finances

    Neptune in Pisces increases disillusionment. Today, opportunities can lead you astray, so make sure to fully understand all the ins and outs before committing. Be cautious and maintain a clear judgment.


    Health & wellbeing

    Under the influence of the Moon in Leo, your energy reaches its peak. Take advantage of this to engage in dynamic physical activity. Avoid excesses.


    Friends & family

    Mercury in Scorpio stimulates deep conversations with close associates. Be open to exchanges, as they could be revealing.

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