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Taurus Daily Horoscope

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- June 14th, 2024 -

  • Astro news

    Astro news

    Negative planetary aspects influence mood and behavior. Whether it's Moon-Venus or Mars-Pluto, dissonances create a foul mood. Remain calm and steer clear of unnecessary confrontations. Seek to understand rather than to react.

  • LOVE

    In a relationship

    Relish this day to highlight your better half's virtues. Such kind words sow happiness! Why not set aside a peaceful moment to celebrate an event together, reminding each other of your mutual admiration? Remember, love thrives on daily gestures of care.


    A confrontation sparks forgotten emotions for a person from your past. Take this as an opportunity to bring clarity to your love life. Acceptance is crucial, show wisdom and open yourself up to this new chance, without any ulterior motives.

    Love advice

    Singles, do not overlook spontaneous love, it can lead to an unexpected encounter. For those in a relationship, engage in conversations about your future dreams. The alignment of Mercury-Sun-Venus encourages tenderness and sharing. Be bold in your feelings!



    The hour of a realignment has chimed! Consider this opportunity to enhance your skills. The Mars-Pluto square suggests an inability to accomplish, but Jupiter nudges towards positivity. You're still hesitating? A few online courses could help you delineate your new horizons without risk. Take heart!

    Your finances

    A delightful moment catches you off guard while sorting through your cupboards. You stumble upon some folded bills, forgotten in an old garment! Set them aside, or treat yourself to a fine dining experience! Sometimes, you don't have to search far and wide to indulge in a little pleasure!


    Health & wellbeing

    An old emotional wound may resurface. Acceptance and time are your allies in this healing process. Practice breathing exercises, listen to soft music. Every small step towards inner peace is important..


    Friends & family

    Exchanging smiles with a child in your circle softens your day. Upholding this innocence fuels you, the joy in their eyes lends you strength. Happiness can be simple at times!

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