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Aquarius Monthly Horoscope


- November 2023 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    Heads up, Aquarius, November 2023 brings you an atmosphere of renewal and surprises, especially thanks to the Moon, which forms a conjunction with Mars (11/13), while the Sun shines in Scorpio. Between office jokes that will make you blush and the unexpected return of your high school love, expect to experience twists and turns worthy of a telenovela. Thanks to Jupiter anchored in Taurus, your morale will be as strong as a bull in a rodeo. In summary, this month will be filled with as many adventures as a woman's handbag.

  • Your love life

    Aquarius, get ready for a whirlwind of romantic emotions in this November 2023. On November 14th, the Moon in Sagittarius offers an intense connection with your soulmate, while singles might just fall under the spell of a stubborn Taurus. And with Mars in Scorpio, sexual energy is at its peak, raising the temperature under the sheets. So whether you're in a relationship or single, expect to experience a rollercoaster month of love - hold on to your hat (and your partner)!

  • Your career

    Aquarius, the month of November 2023 is an opportunity to shine at work! The transit of the Sun in Scorpio brings a brightness to your strategic mind. You will solve problems like the hound of the company, impressing your colleagues. On November 9th, the alliance of the Moon and Venus in Libra will make your presentations as attractive as a box of chocolates on the boss's desk. However, be careful not to count your chickens before they hatch, Jupiter in Taurus reminds you that excessive confidence can sometimes backfire.

  • Your finances

    Aquarius, Jupiter in Taurus announces a particularly prosperous period for your wallet in this month of November 2023. The stars give the green light for bulldozer investments. You feel like every euro spent turns into a torrent of gold coins - you will feel like Scrooge McDuck diving into his money bin. On the 18th, the Moon in Capricorn could bring some financial surprises, so don't forget to keep some stacks for rainy days. In summary, this month, you will be the King Midas of your finances!

  • Your wellbeing

    Aquarius, even though you're tough as nails, the placement of Saturn in Pisces this November 2023 invites you to take care of your mental well-being. It seems like the universe has prescribed you a daily dose of relaxation and yoga nidra. A little tiredness on the 20th, but don't worry, it won't last - just long enough for a restorative nap. It's true that your energy levels may fluctuate, but your friends will be amazed by your determination. Put on that peaceful playlist, grab a good book, and let the world spin without you for a while.

  • Your astro-dates

    For Aquarius, November 2023 will be a month full of twists and turns. On the 4th, the Moon in Leo makes you lively and outgoing – it's an ideal day to plan romantic appointments or finally remove that old wallpaper. Be careful on the 13th when the Moon joins Mars, things can quickly become explosive at work – avoid criticizing your boss's choice of tie. Then on the 21st, Jupiter in Taurus promises a financially flourishing day. Finally, on the 29th, take the time to relax and face fatigue.

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