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Aquarius Monthly Horoscope


- May 2024 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    The celestial influences are tumultuous, blending shadow and light. As the Sun squares with the Moon at the beginning of the month, unexpected challenges may emerge. Prepare to confront them around May 1st. Mid-month, the Moon forms a sextile with Mercury, bringing intellectual clarity and easing communication. Take full advantage of this to resolve conflicts or to venture into new ideas. Bear in mind that balancing exploration and harmony will be your true test this month.

  • Your love life

    Personal challenges at the beginning of the month might complicate matters of the heart. For those who are single, take this time to rejuvenate and strengthen your bonds of friendship. For those in a relationship, when faced with hurdles, organize moments of sharing and intimacy. Towards the end of the month, with the Moon forming a sextile with Mercury around May 15th, communication becomes gentler and emotions more accessible. Whether lovers or friends, it's the perfect time to express your feelings. Sometimes true love is found in what is said without words.

  • Your career

    The beginning of the month appears tense, with paperwork piling up. Keep your calm and get organized. As time goes by, balance will be restored in your professional environment. Notably around May 1st, thanks to the Moon forming a sextile with Mercury, which energizes communication within teams. Perfect for independent workers wishing to collaborate with other talents. At the end of the month, assess your progress and prepare the groundwork for future projects.

  • Your finances

    The month begins on a note of deep reflection, inviting you to consider unconventional investments in knowledge and learning. As Mercury favors clarity, consider allocating resources and time to courses or workshops that enrich both your mind and your portfolio in the long run. This period is conducive to exploring new horizons which, although distant from immediate gains, promise sustainable personal and financial growth.

  • Your wellbeing

    The beginning of the month can be a bit rough, which might affect your energy. Don't worry, this is only temporary. From May 15th, when the Moon forms a sextile with Mercury, you will notice a significant improvement in your mental and physical well-being. This is the perfect time to incorporate new healthy routines into your daily life such as walks in the fresh air or moments of meditation. At the end of the month, take stock: how have these small changes boosted your energy? Will you incorporate them permanently?

  • Your astro-dates

    Beware the 1st of May, as the Sun squaring the Moon might land you in a tricky situation. However, the following weekend, with the Moon sextile Mercury, promises to be favorable for exchanges and debates. Therefore, remain open and communicative. The major challenges seem to dissipate towards the end of the month, around the 31st of May: this time, the sextile between the Moon and Saturn will bring a certain serenity and order to your emotional world. Take this time to reflect on the significant events of the past month.

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