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Aquarius Monthly Horoscope


- August 2024 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    The Moon sextile to Mercury on August 1st fosters communication. Make the most of it to voice your feelings and clear up misunderstandings. This period also promises delightful friendly encounters, so don't hesitate to broaden your social circle.

  • Your love life

    For couples, the Moon sextile to Mercury at the beginning of the month beckons for more exchanges. This will be the ideal moment to share your plans and wishes. Towards the end of the month, beware of illusions: the square of the Moon to Neptune could lead to misunderstandings.

  • Your career

    This period will be marked by efficiency. The sextile between the Moon and Mercury will ease your communication at work, especially during team meetings. It's the ideal time to implement strategies to boost your productivity. Take a step back from your current practices and explore new organization methods. However, the square between the Moon and Neptune in mid-August could sow confusion in your projects. Stay focused and don't let yourself be sidetracked from your goals. You will end this month on a productive note.

  • Your finances

    With the positive influence of the Moon sextile to Mercury at the beginning of the month, you should feel more confident about your financial decisions. It's the ideal time to address any issues related to your car. On the other hand, the square of the Moon to Neptune suggests that it would be wise to avoid impulsive spending following these contemplated revisions, or even perhaps replacing that old car? Just ensure your savings aren't too heavily depleted. Focus on your essential needs and exercise a bit of patience until the situation stabilizes.

  • Your wellbeing

    With the Moon sextile to Mercury, your mind will be sharp and clear at the beginning of the month. This positive energy will enhance your mental well-being, thus making it beneficial to engage in new intellectual activities. However, be cautious in mid-August: the square between the Moon and Neptune could disrupt your tranquility. To counteract this feeling of dissatisfaction or confusion, go outside to clear your mind with long walks in the heart of nature. This return to basics will help you regain an inner balance to serenely conclude the month.

  • Your astro-dates

    On the 1st of August, with the sextile between the Moon and Mercury, cast a fresh eye on your daily life. Dare to express your feelings clearly. On the 15th of August, beware of the ambiguity caused by the square between the Moon and Neptune. Ensure your hopes do not drift you away from reality. Finally, the 28th of August calls for introspection where the opposition of the Moon and Pluto could lead to a profound personal transformation. Do not hesitate to question what no longer works for you.

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