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Capricorn Monthly Horoscope


- October 2023 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    October overflows with the energy of the earth signs Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo. An interesting tension begins the month with the Moon sextile Saturn and square Pluto, giving you incentives for revolutionary self-transformations. The Sun in Libra helps to calm things down, bringing a touch of serenity and balance. Capricorn, get ready for an exciting mountain journey! Be careful, Mars' transit in Scorpio can make things a bit spicy, but nothing that our competent Capricorn can't handle. Come on, Capricorn! It's time to shine!

  • Your love life

    Ah, love! Capricorn, in October, your love life could resemble a delicious chocolate cake! Mercury in Virgo is preparing the ground for sincere conversations, whether you are in a relationship or single. Singles could meet someone interesting, perhaps during a trip or a group activity. For those in a relationship, it's time to reignite the flame! This could mean a romantic dinner or simply lounging together on the couch. Beware, Mars in Scorpio could add a little spice, so be ready to take on the challenge!

  • Your career

    Capricorn, in October, your career could take a new momentum, like a flame that suddenly reignites. Mercury in Virgo enhances communication at work, so it's time to make your ideas heard. Mars in Scorpio could bring some excitement, and your colleagues might be surprised by your newfound boldness! A promotion or a salary increase could be on the horizon. One last advice, Capricorn: dare, because the sky is the limit!

  • Your finances

    Capricorn, your financial landscape in October resembles a yoga session that is both intense and soothing. Jupiter in Taurus brings opportunities for financial expansion, so be ready to see your bank account smile. However, Saturn in Pisces reminds you to stay grounded and avoid unnecessary spending. This is the perfect time to save up for that lovely little seaside house you have your eye on. A little advice: don't let Mars in Scorpio tempt you with impulsive purchases. Breathe, Capricorn, and stay on course!

  • Your wellbeing

    Capricorn, October could well be your month of self-revitalization! With the Moon sextile Saturn, you may feel more balanced. It's a good month to take care of your mental and physical health. Perhaps a little trip to a spa or a yoga retreat wouldn't be a bad idea? Don't let Mars in Scorpio push you to your limits, take the time to move at your own pace. And remember, don't deny yourself that piece of chocolate cake. After all, chocolate is good for the morale!

  • Your astro-dates

    Capricorn, take note of these important dates! On October 3rd, the Moon in Gemini promotes dialogue, don't hesitate to express your feelings to your loved ones. On October 10th, a surprise could occur at work, as the Moon in conjunction with Lilith brings a bit of mystery. On October 22nd, keep an eye on your bank account, as Mercury moves into Scorpio - an ideal day to consider an investment. And finally, on October 29th, the Sun in opposition to the Moon can bring some introspection for your well-being. Keep smiling, Capricorn!

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