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Capricorn Monthly Horoscope


- September 2024 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    The strong bond between the Moon and Jupiter at the beginning of September provides you with a burst of contagious joy. Take the time to communicate, to share. You exude a certain serenity which has the knack to soothe your loved ones. From September 19th, the square between the Moon and Pluto may cause transient tensions. Your challenge then becomes to find balance even amidst chaos: yoga or meditation can help harmonize body and mind to maintain your overall well-being. Learn to navigate these waves with wisdom!

  • Your love life

    In the realm of love, the beginning of the month gifts you with alacrity due to the Moon-Mercury conjunction. If you are in a relationship, luxuriate in these moments of closeness and use them to clear any misunderstandings. If you are single, acknowledge the joy of your present state. Unexpected encounters may expand your circle of friends around September 15th. Beware of September 27th, as the Moon-Pluto opposition might electrify the atmosphere with passing tensions. Remember: being truthful, as well as maintaining your composure in the face of disagreement, is often the right attitude to embrace!

  • Your career

    The beginning of the month is marked by an overflowing energy due to the Moon-Mars sextile. Your work performance is outstanding, an ideal opportunity to demonstrate your abilities. These efforts may generate stress around mid-September with the Moon-Pluto square, you will need to take care of your mental well-being to stay effective. A slight pressure may be felt towards the end of the month, be careful not to overuse your natural dynamism. Regularly devote yourself to activities that soothe you and balance this professional tension.

  • Your finances

    At the outset of the month, the energy of the Moon in conjunction with Mercury encourages you to explore your creative resources to enhance your income: why not convert a hobby into a lucrative activity? However, be wary of the temptation to blindly invest in new projects when the Moon squares Uranus on September 16th. It is of utmost importance that you meticulously assess the risks prior to making major financial decisions. On the expenditure front, conclude the month by revisiting your budget and seeking areas where savings could be realized.

  • Your wellbeing

    Brimming energy marks the start of September due to the Moon-Mars Sextile. Tap into sports activities to rejuvenate physically, keeping rest periods for recuperation. Around 9th, beware of impatience triggered by Moon-Uranus opposition. Channel this positively into routine tasks to prevent burning out too soon. Balance professional failure with resilience and sharing your experiences can be beneficial. Remember, nutritious diet and positive thinking will be vital tools during this month! Towards the end, be alert for mental fatigue brought by Moon-Pluto square. Indulge in a soothing hobby as an outlet.

  • Your astro-dates

    On the 1st of September, the Moon-Mercury conjunction gives birth to constructive exchanges that illuminate your day. On the 15th, the work done is acknowledged, thanks to the Moon-Jupiter trine. Remember to receive these compliments with humility. Lastly, the 27th of September will be a day of two halves: the Moon-Pluto opposition could trigger temporary tensions. Try to sail smoothly and wait until the day's end to make important decisions. Fully exploit this eclectic period to make progress on multiple fronts!

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