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Leo Monthly Horoscope


- August 2024 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    The wind is blowing in your favor, seize the moment! The sextile between the Moon and Mercury starting on August 1st promotes exchanges and sharpens your sensitivity. A crucial opportunity to grasp around the 11th may play a pivotal role. However, beware of the square between the Moon and Neptune, which muddles your intuitions. Do not allow uncertainty to engulf you, but rather learn to ride its waves. This is the ideal moment to welcome failure as an opportunity to learn and grow.

  • Your love life

    From the month's outset, camaraderie fortifies bonds: single or otherwise, expressing your desires and passions can be an amusing game. Around the 1st of August, where the Moon in sextile to Mercury promotes exchanges, dare to share those little secrets that make you so charming. The second week brings a romantic spark for couples. Towards the month's end, with the tension between the Moon and Neptune, remain focused on what you truly want and don't hesitate to assert it clearly. A final piece of advice? Encourage your partner to do the same!

  • Your career

    When the Moon sextiles Mercury at the beginning of the month, it's the perfect impetus to start a course of study. Don't delay any longer! Take control of your professional future. Challenges don't frighten, they foster growth. Around the 15th, if doubt nags at you? Hold fast! The end of the month is a bit uncertain with the tension between the Moon and Neptune, but don't let obstacles alter your course. Enriched by the experience of this month, you are destined to shine in your field...

  • Your finances

    This period is ripe for decluttering. How about selling those dust-gathering objects? The Moon sextile Mercury on August 1st nudges you towards this. Then, second week, the spur of the moment will bolster your creativity to repurpose what you already have before buying new. A slight slowdown at the end of the month with the Lunar opposition to Neptune: beware not to regret an impulsive purchase. Taking things one by one, aware of each small step will make big leaps in the right direction for the state of your bank account.

  • Your wellbeing

    As the month begins, feel the positive energy of the Moon sextile Mercury, fostering effortless and sincere communication. Seize this dynamic to openly express your feelings and gratitude towards your loved ones. Yet in this climate of trust and closeness, steer clear of too profound or controversial discussions around the 15th of August, to evade the confusion brought forth by the Moon square Neptune. Lastly, remember to devote time to your personal well-being: pamper yourself a tad more than usual! That, too, is a part of nurturing your relationships.

  • Your astro-dates

    On the first of August, bring your communicative talents to the forefront, the Moon sextile to Mercury strongly urges you to do so. Long anticipated? The 11th could bring a splendid opportunity to seize without hesitation. At the end of the month, on the 30th to be exact, pamper yourself a bit as the moon aligns with Venus. Listen to your deep aspirations and act in accordance with them. Your personal fulfilment is essential. This period thus invites you to follow your intuition and express what you honestly feel.

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