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Libra Monthly Horoscope


- October 2023 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    Dear Libra, October 2023 will be a month filled with nuances! With the Moon swaying between favorable aspects like the sextile with Saturn and challenges like the square with Pluto, expect an intriguing blend of harmony and tension. The Sun in Libra illuminates your sign, bringing balance. Navigate gracefully through the turbulence and know that Jupiter in Taurus brings you opportunities for expansion. One advice, keep your sense of humor on hand to defuse tense situations. Happy October!

  • Your love life

    Come on, Libra, show yourself in your best light in October! Venus in Virgo can make you a little too critical when it comes to love. For singles, don't nitpick every detail. Nobody's perfect, remember that! For those in a relationship, avoid criticizing your partner. A little sweetness wouldn't hurt. With the Moon in a favorable aspect with Saturn, patience and commitment in love are favored. And don't forget, a little humor can always lighten the mood, even in the most intense moments!

  • Your career

    Libra, get ready to balance the scales in your professional domain in October! With Mars in Libra, you will feel this surge of energy to move things forward. Use this energy to solve problems and successfully complete projects. However, be careful not to exhaust yourself. Jupiter in Taurus could open interesting doors for you. So, keep an eye out for potential opportunities. Remember, a little smile can defuse many stressful situations. So smile, even in the face of the toughest challenges. Good luck, Libra!

  • Your finances

    Dear Libra, in October, your wallet could feel as balanced as your sign, thanks to Jupiter in Taurus. This generous planet could bring a little financial surprise. However, Mars in Libra may tempt you to spend on aesthetic pleasures, so be careful not to fall into extravagance. My advice is to take stock of your finances and organize your expenses. But remember, there's no need to worry about spending a little to bring beauty into your life. After all, you are Libra, aren't you?

  • Your wellbeing

    Ah, Libra, October could be the month where you feel in symbiosis with yourself. With the Sun in your sign, you will be right in your element, and this could boost your energy level. However, don't forget to slow down and recharge your batteries, especially when Mars in Libra pushes you to do more. Remember, a little relaxation never hurt anyone. A bit of meditation or a walk in a beautiful place could do wonders for your well-being. Have a great month of October, Libra! Come on, let's breathe!

  • Your astro-dates

    For Libra, the month of October is filled with key moments. On the 5th, with the Moon in a favorable aspect with Saturn, it could be a good time to make serious commitments. On the 10th, as Venus enters Virgo, matters of the heart may require a little more patience. On the 15th, Mars in Scorpio will give a boost to your energy, so use it wisely. Finally, on the 22nd, with Mercury in Scorpio, expect deep and passionate conversations. Have a great month of October, Libra!

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