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Pisces Monthly Horoscope


- October 2023 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    October for Pisces is a month of illustrious turbulence where the astrological sky presents a scenario worthy of a Hollywood movie! Mercury in Virgo brings a touch of refined analysis while Venus in Leo warms up your romantic moods. The solar radiance of Libra carefully balances Mars's partying desires in Libra. Get ready for a rise in the waters, Pisces! The contradictory aspects of the Moon will bring tides of changing emotions. So, sail joyfully in this celestial tsunami, knowing that each wave brings a new surprise.

  • Your love life

    Dear Pisces, this month your love life will be like a Hollywood movie! Venus in Leo is shining bright, offering moments worthy of a blockbuster film. Moreover, Mars in Libra acts as the director, orchestrating a love dance where each step brings you closer to ecstasy. Single Pisces, get ready to laugh like high schoolers at a spring ball. Couples will rekindle the passion of a first date. Take on the leading role in your own love story this month, embrace your partner as if it were the first or last time!

  • Your career

    In October, dear Pisces, the cosmic dance favors your career like never before. Mercury in Virgo sharpens your analytical mind, allowing you to solve problems in innovative ways. Your colleagues and superiors will be impressed, so don't be surprised if a promotion is in the cards! However, with Mars in Libra, your party spirit may raise eyebrows in the conference room. Therefore, make sure to find a balance between work and pleasure. Have a great professional month, Pisces!

  • Your finances

    Dear Pisces, get ready to dive into an ocean of financial possibilities this month. With Jupiter in Taurus, your finances are under a clear sky, heralding lucrative opportunities. It's as if you have opened an oyster to discover a pearl! However, Saturn in Pisces may seem a bit stingy and encourage you to save for a rainy day. So, while enjoying this financial chance, don't forget to fill your treasure chest for the future. Trust the wave, Pisces, and surf towards prosperity!

  • Your wellbeing

    Dear Pisces, the Sun in Libra shines in your health house, illuminating your path to well-being. But be careful, Mars in Libra could tempt you to party until the early hours, which could result in unwanted fatigue. So, consider making luxurious nights of sleep your new trend! And yes, that midnight cocktail might be tempting, but water is the new champagne. Your energy is like the tides, Pisces, ever-changing but still powerful. Therefore, stay in harmony with your natural rhythm and savor every moment of well-being.

  • Your astro-dates

    Dear Pisces, on the first weekend of October (2nd and 3rd), the Moon forms a sextile with Neptune, bringing inspiration and revealing dreams. Take note of them! On the 9th of the month, beware of the Moon square Jupiter - a desire for luxury could affect your budget. Around October 18th, Mars in Scorpio makes your workday more intense, hello multitasking! Finally, on the 26th, the Moon in Pisces offers you a bath of compassion and understanding towards yourself and others. Enjoy these energetic waves, Pisces!

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