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Pisces Monthly Horoscope


- August 2024 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    At the dawn of the month, place trust in your intuition. You will observe the positive impact of the Moon in sextile with Mercury: seize opportunities, display audacity in your decision-making. Around the month's midpoint, brace yourself to face emotional challenges as the Moon in square with Neptune could unearth an old internal conflict. This is the perfect moment to confront and overcome these latent fears and anxieties. Is this not a precious opportunity for growth?

  • Your love life

    Embrace the start of the month to focus on yourself. Socialize with friends, take the time to do what you love. Come around August 15, the Moon square Saturn could spark tensions in your existing relationships. In a relationship? Open communication is necessary to avert misunderstandings. Single? Don't let this challenging period dim your faith in love. The final days of August promise a lighter and more cheerful atmosphere, favorable for new encounters and romantic connections.

  • Your career

    At the onset of the month, center your attention on the organization and management of your tasks. The formation of the Moon-Mars square on August 6th could generate stress and tension. Learn to delegate to avoid exhaustion. It's also a propitious time to question your professional ambitions. Mid-month, you will experience a powerful creative surge thanks to the Moon sextile Uranus, ideal for personal projects and entrepreneurship. Towards the month's end, maintain this momentum and continue to work hard. Success is within your grasp!

  • Your finances

    Hold fast to stability at the dawn of this month. Use this time for introspection on your consumption habits and seek potential savings in your routine expenditures. With the backing of a strong Moon-Neptune square around the 15th of August, opportunities for increased income may arise - possibly a familial financial aid? As the month draws to a close, consider setting aside some money to serenely prepare for your retirement. One is never too young to think about the future!

  • Your wellbeing

    The onset of the month affords you the chance to relish tranquillity and serenity. Star-gazing, open-air meditation, these are activities that will aid you in maintaining a serene state of mind. However, around August 15th, the influences of the Moon forming a square with Saturn might disrupt your nightly rhythm. Embrace a new routine with soothing rituals to encourage sleep: soft music, essential oils, or guided relaxation. Towards the end of the month, persist in caring for your nights for optimal daily energy. Each challenge is an opportunity for personal growth.

  • Your astro-dates

    On the 4th of August, a Sun-Moon conjunction threatens to upset your mood. Take time to replenish yourself. On the 15th of August, the Moon-Neptune square could shake your certainties. Pursue the truth rather than illusions. Lastly, the 29th of August brings a beam of light with the Moon sextile to Venus: expressions of love and friendship are expected on this day. Prepare yourself to navigate between challenges and rewards throughout the month!

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