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Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope


- July 2024 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    The Sun in sextile with the Moon on the 1st and 11th of July signals an inner harmony. It's the ideal moment to construct something enduring and significant. Problems seem simpler to solve. But beware, the conjunction of the Moon with Mars on the 1st and 30th of July brings an excess of energy that can lead to nervousness or impulsiveness. Channel this energy towards productive activities to avert misunderstandings or unnecessary tensions. Feeling jittery? It will pass, breathe deeply...

  • Your love life

    At the month's start, your self-confidence may be put to the test, unsettling your spirits. This is not easy to endure, especially for singles looking to charm. The advice? Take a break, savor moments for yourself. Mid-month, the enthusiastic Moon bestows a surge of energy and a palpable romantic ambiance. The final week also holds promise for everyone. Couples rediscover camaraderie and singles, wearing smiles, are more attractive than ever. Deep breath... expand yourself!

  • Your career

    Brimming with energy at the month's outset, you tackle challenges head-on. Seize this moment to propel your projects forward. However, the conjunction of the Moon and Mars may strain your interactions. Exercise caution with your words to avoid unnecessary conflict. Mid-month, take the time to contemplate your professional future, considering all possibilities. Remain receptive to new opportunities that will present themselves towards the month's end. They might just be the springboard you've been awaiting to bring to fruition that long-cherished project of yours.

  • Your finances

    At the onset, pragmatism takes center stage. If you find yourself needing to make purchases, ensure you weigh the offers judiciously without being hasty. The final week of the month, the conjunction of the Moon with Mars might kindle your desire to consume beyond necessary bounds. Restrain yourself! Do you truly require this? It's also the perfect time to scrutinize your bills, and don't shy away from lodging complaints if they're warranted. A dollar saved is indeed a dollar earned! Attend to your finances with the same care you would give to your own well-being.

  • Your wellbeing

    You start the month in top form, but beware of exhaustion. The Sun sextile Moon aspect of July 1st bestows upon you a splendid energy, so make time for breaks to avoid squandering it. Toward the end of the month, the surplus energy from the Moon-Mars conjunction may make you feel restless. Channel this energy into relaxing activities like a stroll or a warm bath. Even if you feel like doing everything, learn to say no and delegate certain tasks to preserve your mental and physical well-being.

  • Your astro-dates

    On the 1st of July, an energy boost makes you feel capable of moving mountains! On the 11th, thanks to an astrological harmony, your problems seem simpler to solve. Relish this moment of clarity and balance. However, on the 30th, beware of the nervousness and impulsivity triggered by an intense planetary combination. Channel this surplus energy to avoid misunderstandings or unnecessary tensions. Breathe deeply - it will pass! These key dates predict highs and lows, but remember: the hardest moments are often when we learn the most!

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