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Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope


- August 2024 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    The alignment of Mercury with the Moon at the beginning of the month suggests a period conducive to open-mindedness and learning. Rise to this challenge, deepen your knowledge and demonstrate curiosity. However, when Neptune squares the Moon around mid-August, there may be misunderstandings or illusions. In work as well as in personal life, learn to distinguish between constructive criticism and surrounding noise. Trust your intuition and gain wisdom from the lessons learned, all while being patient and persistent in the face of complex themes.

  • Your love life

    It's in the cool air of August that renewal opportunities arise. As the Moon sextiles Uranus on the 3rd of August, a slight shiver promises unforgettable encounters for the single ones, which clarify your thoughts on individual freedom. Honor your need for space and relaxation, and you might discover, perhaps during an evening with friends or tucked away with your favorite book, that your subjective idea of romantic happiness is evolving. For those in a relationship, practicing empathy after a spat encourages closeness. Facing romantic disagreements will eventually become an opportunity for growth together.

  • Your career

    The initial days will be stamped with optimal effectiveness, as Mercury in sextile with the Moon encourages clarity in communication. An ideal period to organize your projects! However, around August 15th, sidestep any hasty decisions. Neptune squared to the Moon could induce confusion. Keep things in perspective and breathe: your work does not appraise your worth. Lastly, the end of August is the dream time to learn something new or polish an existing skill. You'll be surprised at how far it can take you. So, don't hesitate any longer!

  • Your finances

    The conjunction of the Sun and the Moon around August 4th could elicit a craving for indulgence. You might be tempted by impulsive purchases, but think twice before finalizing your online shopping cart! Managing your money is not just a matter of numbers, it's also about patience and foresight. By keeping your impulses in check, you'll find that your financial situation remains comfortable throughout the month. Remember, good management isn't solely about financial gains but also the ability to avoid unnecessary expenditures!

  • Your wellbeing

    As Mercury sextiles with the Moon at the start of the month, stimulating your curiosity, it's time to invest in self-care. Venture off the beaten path to explore new activities that could offer you more than just wellbeing. Why not perfect that recipe you always postpone until tomorrow? By the end of August, with the Moon in conjunction with Pluto, emphasize the significance of a good night's sleep. Accumulated fatigue could impact your positive mindset! Take time to relax and quiet your mind, serenity will be your reward.

  • Your astro-dates

    On August 1st, Mercury sextile with the Moon illuminates your intellect and opens the doors to creativity. On August 7th, brace yourself for some turbulence with Neptune square to the Moon: no rush decisions in haste. Prioritize your instinct and keep clear of misunderstandings. Then comes August 21st, the Moon in conjunction with Neptune brings a wind of soothing calm, a day conducive to relaxation and mental well-being: an ideal time to recharge your batteries before diving into the whirlwind of the following days.

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