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Scorpio Monthly Horoscope


- October 2023 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    Welcome, charming Scorpio, to the whirlwind of autumn 2023! The month of October will be like falling leaves: full of twists and turns. With our generous Jupiter in Taurus, dreamy Saturn in Pisces, and the electric spark of Uranus in Taurus, you'll want to be both philanthropic, visionary, and rebellious. Mars, in charge in Libra until the 12th, then in Scorpio, brings a fighting energy. Be careful not to sting others with your sting. The planetary aspects during this period will be significant for the evolution of your professional life. Good luck, Scorpio!

  • Your love life

    Scorpio, hold on tight because October is not an ordinary month for your love life! Thanks to Venus in Virgo, single individuals can expect a beautiful surprise. Don't be mistaken, it's not the postman, but perhaps love in disguise knocking at your door. As for those in a relationship, set your thermostat to 'cozy' and ride the gentle waves of Neptune in Pisces. The only hiccup is that Mars in Scorpio after the 12th may spice things up a bit too much. Tip: a little argument can lead to a moment of tenderness, right?

  • Your career

    Scorpio, your career is going to have an eventful month of October! With the dynamism of Mars in Libra and then in Scorpio, showcase your talents and don't hesitate to show your claws to defend your projects. Your colleagues might appreciate your enthusiasm. However, be cautious of unresolved tensions. Saturn in Pisces encourages taking a step back and adopting a more pedagogical approach. Know how to turn this dynamic period into concrete success. And remember, in a meeting, a silent Scorpio is more to be feared than an erupting volcano! Good luck!

  • Your finances

    Scorpio, this month of October promises to be stimulating for your wallet. The presence of Jupiter in Taurus comes at the right time to expand your financial horizons. Unexpected bonuses or sudden gains could surprise you. However, keep in mind that frugal Saturn in Pisces will encourage you to save for the winter rather than spend impulsively. Know that sometimes it is better to wait before investing. Enjoy this balance between abundance and sobriety. The mantra of this month could be: No need to spend to shine, dear Scorpio.

  • Your wellbeing

    Scorpio, your vitality will skyrocket in October! Mars, your ruling planet, in Libra and then in Scorpio, will provide you with boundless energy. You may feel like you can move mountains, or at least handle all your tasks without coffee! However, be careful not to give it all at once. Remember that even superheroes need to sleep. Use the soothing influence of Saturn in Pisces to maintain balance. And if you feel your energy fading, consider taking out that old jogging suit for a refreshing run!

  • Your astro-dates

    Scorpio, October offers you memorable dates! On the 5th, with the arrival of Mercury in Libra, a heated discussion at work could very well turn in your favor. Don't miss this opportunity! On the 12th, Mars enters your sign - take this day to get back into sports, don't hesitate to put on your sneakers! On the 19th, Mercury in Libra brings a good omen for your finances - why not try a scratch card on this specific day? And on the 29th, the Moon in Taurus indicates an exceptional day in love, get yourself looking beautiful or handsome, who knows what could happen?

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