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Scorpio Monthly Horoscope


- December 2023 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    The month of December brings a celestial dance between Venus and the Moon, taking the shape of a square, which might slightly muddle your relationships. However, a more harmonious aspect between the Moon and Mars comes to counterbalance this, filling you with motivating energy as the days go by. Harness this dynamism to resolve any potential tensions. A beautiful end of the year awaits you, Scorpio.

  • Your love life

    As the year draws to a close, the dance of Venus breathes a gentle romance into your life. For those in relationships, favor soft communication to smooth out any rough edges. If you're single, you might notice someone orbiting you more than usual. Let spontaneity guide your actions, without letting your feelings be disturbed by a delicate past. Harmony will pulse to the rhythm of your shared hearts.

  • Your career

    This year-end is for you a time of opportunities. Your energy, magnified tenfold by the Moon in harmonious aspect with Mars, propels your ambitions. In sync with your goals, do not let minor disagreements slow you down. If tensions arise, know how to navigate them with diplomacy. Your expertise and unique vision will be recognized in the end. Show resilience and patience: the harvest of your efforts is in sight.

  • Your finances

    The celestial ballet this month might nudge you towards enhancing your material comfort. Confronted with an urge to invest, don't rush and take the time to refine your financial strategies. The square of the Moon with Venus calls for a certain caution. Patience and reflection will be your best allies. Towards the end of the month, with Mars in a favorable position, more secure opportunities will present themselves. Remain vigilant and confident.

  • Your wellbeing

    The square between the Moon and Venus might tempt you to seek solace in comfort, but the Moon in harmony with Mars will stoke your inner fire. Thanks to this surge of energy, you manage to sustain your physical vitality. Mentally, grant yourself moments of relaxation to nurture your inner balance. You'll sail through the year's end with contagious energy and a radiant mood. Tend to your body and mind with care.

  • Your astro-dates

    The first week of December bestows upon you a peculiar energy to resolve longstanding conflicts. Around the 9th, brace yourself for a resurgence of passion in your romantic relationships. Close to the 15th, a golden opportunity presents itself at work, don't hesitate to seize it. Toward the month's end, pay heed to your inner well-being, a tranquil respite may prove necessary to stride into the new year with confidence and serenity.

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