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Aquarius Weekly Horoscope


- Week 26, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    In the coming days, you will feel a surge of creative energy. Harness it! Draw, write, paint! But beware of the Moon squaring Mars: your impatience could dampen your momentum. Take a deep breath and let the process unfold naturally. Guaranteed results.

  • Your love life

    For the singles, an unexplained attraction toward someone not yet familiar disrupts the routine. Do not fight against this current, let yourself be swept away. For those in a relationship, this week strengthens your emotional connection. Despite minor obstacles, do not doubt the significance of your shared feelings.

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    Prominent affinities are unveiled this week with Gemini, whose light and curious mind harmonizes perfectly with yours.

    You avoid

    Beware of Taurus this week, their stubbornness could clash with your need for freedom and your inventive spirit.

  • Your weekend

    The weekend promises to be abundant in novelty. Step out of the routine, traverse uncharted paths to strengthen the bond with yourself. Undoubtedly, under the auspicious influence of Jupiter, this experience will bear its fruits.

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