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Aquarius Weekly Horoscope


- Week 30, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    An unsettling breeze might blow at the start of the week. With the Moon-Venus opposition, emotional tensions may arise. It is crucial to manage your stress. Midweek, the sextile between Venus and Jupiter brings a puff of optimism. New opportunities are looming on the horizon: seize them! Ultimately, the week wraps up on a dynamic note with the Sun sextiling Mars: channel this vivacity into your personal projects. All in all, a week filled with challenges and delightful surprises awaits you!

  • Your love life

    Singles, an enthralling exchange could unveil your allure. Stay open to surprises! For those in relationships, remember that love begins with oneself is crucial. So, take some time to pamper yourself. Despite the opposition of Moon-Venus at the beginning of the week, which may stir up tensions, camaraderie finds its place again...

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    For harmonious moments, a pleasing rapport seems attainable with a Gemini who will know how to stimulate your insatiable curiosity.

    You avoid

    Compromises will be necessary when dealing with a Capricorn, their reserved nature could clash with your need for freedom and innovation.

  • Your weekend

    A whirlwind of emotions awaits you this weekend. The Sun-Mars sextile brings an infectious energy, ideally suited for diving into playful activities. However, remember: leisurely idling can be delightful too! It will be the perfect balance between action and relaxation. So, breathe deeply and let go, fulfillment is within reach.

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