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Aquarius Weekly Horoscope


- Week 33, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    The solar energy in Leo beckons you to shine. Challenges lay ahead, and a tense atmosphere should not discourage learning. Do you feel this wave of conflict? It's the fallout of the Sun square Moon. Exercise patience, listen more than you speak, harmony will find its way back. Today's difficulties are tomorrow's lessons, aren't they?

  • Your love life

    A beautiful opportunity for forging sturdy bonds. Treasure the shared times, cherish the harmony, nothing quite like it to cement the connection. For those unattached, a benevolent relationship could be on the horizon with Mars in conjunction with Jupiter, offering renewed chances. Being alone engenders freedoms and self-sufficiency. It also aids in better understanding one's needs. Tomorrow belongs to those who dream today, doesn't it?

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    Guaranteed fulfillment comes with Sagittarius, who brings a gust of optimism in harmony with your taste for freedom.

    You avoid

    Beware the Virgo, their fixation on minutiae might impede your craving for freedom and upset your equilibrium.

  • Your weekend

    On the weekend, seize the opportunity to connect more intensely with your partner. Venus in conjunction with Mercury softens the conversations. Do you continually understand each other better? Cherish these precious moments together. Let this love be felt resoundingly, a beautiful experience is on the horizon!

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