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Aries Weekly Horoscope


- Week 40, 2024 -

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  • LOVE


  • Your week

    Dear Aries, this week from October 2nd to 8th, 2023, the Universe has some plans in store for you! With the Sun in Libra, creating a subtle balance in your life, and Mars, your ruling planet, also in Libra, expect moments of harmony with a touch of challenges. Your fighting spirit will be put to good use, while Venus in Leo will boost your self-confidence. However, don't forget that the Moon in Taurus at the beginning of the week may make you a bit more stubborn than usual. But don't worry, by the end of the week, it will enter Leo, bringing with it a wave of creativity and passion. So, Aries, hold on tight and get ready to surf the cosmic waves!

  • Your love life

    Single Aries, with Venus in Leo, you may be surprised by a thunderous crush this week from October 2nd to 8th, 2023. Your natural charm will be enhanced, as well as your libido - but there's no rushing things! For those in a relationship, the week will be sweet and comforting. Mars in Libra will favor moments of complicity and beautiful harmony in your relationship. Small advice: take the time to enjoy these romantic moments, away from the tumult of daily life. And don't forget to laugh, humor is the spice of life... and love!

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    Aries, this week, you will get along wonderfully with Libra. The influence of Mars will express a need for harmony thanks to the balancing Sun in Libra. This cosmic connection will make you inseparable!

    You avoid

    Aries, watch out for Taurus this week! With the Moon in Taurus at the beginning of the week, tensions may arise. Your legendary impatience and their stubbornness could well collide... caution!

  • Your weekend

    Aries, get ready for an exciting weekend! With the Moon entering Leo, your confidence and spirit of adventure will be at their peak. On Saturday, under the influence of Mars in Libra, seek harmony in your relationships. Your desire for social interaction and new experiences will be powerful - outings or meetings may be on the agenda. Sunday brings a calmer atmosphere, perfect for relaxation activities. Between cozy breaks and adventures, your weekend promises to be full of excitement!

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