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Aries Weekly Horoscope


- Week 1, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    Allow your ambition to guide you this week, but don't forget to safeguard your personal well-being. Expect a few surprises, your plans might take an unforeseen detour with the Moon trine Jupiter. Be flexible, remain open to changes, and balance your priorities for a harmonious week.

  • Your love life

    The distance retreats here. Mercury in Sagittarius signals disruption, but also some spice. If you're single, an encounter in a far-off place may be on the horizon. For those in long-distance relationships, foster your bond with creativity to make the week extraordinary despite the ups and downs.

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    Sagittarius, a choice ally. This week, the good vibes are mutual with Mars and Venus in this sign, brace yourself to resonate in unison.

    You avoid

    Capricorn and you, beware of the conflicting energies. Complex communications with Mercury in Sagittarius could cause frictions.

  • Your weekend

    The weekend promises to be sprinkled with serene and enriching moments. The conjunction of the Moon with Venus favors rest and tranquility. On Saturday, facing the crucial choices that will present themselves, keep a cool head. Open and thoughtful communication will be your shield against difficulties. On Sunday, the energy is all about sharing and helping. Why not devote some time to gardening? It's an ideal way to recharge before the whirlwind of the upcoming week, while strengthening bonds with your loved ones. Savor every calm minute to recharge your batteries!

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