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Aries Weekly Horoscope


- Week 25, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    The Sun-Mercury conjunction will illuminate your gentle tenacity. Midweek, anticipate a notable advancement in your projects. But beware! Avoid rash decisions as the week concludes. Do you feel ready to rise to the challenges? This is an opportunity to demonstrate intelligence and caution in the face of the Moon-Mars opposition. May the strength be with you!

  • Your love life

    For the single folks, intellectual allure will take center stage. Riveting conversations might just spark a certain interest. Stay open! For those in relationships, the Sun-Venus conjunction beckons the establishment of sturdy foundations. Transparent communication bolsters trust and promotes marital bliss. No room for ambiguity!

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    A splendid understanding emerges with Leo, their audacity and your dynamism create a harmonious and invigorating duo.

    You avoid

    Mercury in Cancer may stir up friction. Caution in your words can steer clear of discord.

  • Your weekend

    During the weekend, the Sun-Venus conjunction will grant a serene pace to your days. Why not seize this opportunity to thoroughly sort through your belongings? You'll observe that a tidy environment facilitates interactions and lightens the mind. Go ahead, you'll see!

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