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Cancer Weekly Horoscope


- Week 10, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    Navigate cautiously through the tumult this week. The Moon squaring Mercury suggests challenges in communication. A good idea? Steer clear of stormy debates, especially regarding new technologies. A little advice, stay on your guard and don't hesitate to ask for clarifications if needed.

  • Your love life

    Singles, the time is ripe for profound contemplation about your chosen solitude. Self-love and freedom will be at the crux of your week. For those coupled, Mars in Aquarius urges you to uphold a certain independence. Strive for emotional balance without forfeiting your individuality.

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    A potent energy with a Scorpio, a water sign like you, promises a profound emotional understanding and mutual support.

    You avoid

    Exercise caution with Aries, their impulsivity and your sensitivity could lead to some storms in the relationship this week.

  • Your weekend

    Instabilities are taking shape, so don't rush into any decisions. Glide gently with the rhythm of the Moon in Pisces. It's a good time to recenter and reflect.

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