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Cancer Weekly Horoscope


- Week 28, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    With the Sun transiting through your sign, anticipate a resurgence of energy! Challenges will spur you to step out of your comfort zone and release this unsuspected inner strength. However, the Moon in Leo demands maintaining a cool head. Has it ever been said that calmness is a superpower?

  • Your love life

    If you're single, learn to listen to your needs. You're not asking too much, you're merely settling for less. In a relationship, the time has arrived for clear communication with your loved ones and friends. Transparency and openness ward off misunderstandings. Venus in Leo encourages this honesty.

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    With its empathetic nature and unchanging soul, Pisces harmonizes wonderfully with your gentle energy this week.

    You avoid

    The audacious temperament of Aries may clash with your need for gentleness and harmony this week.

  • Your weekend

    An intense weekend lies before you. Choose your company wisely, for seduction is in the air and the battle may commence. However, bear in mind that the line can sometimes be very thin between playful jest and earnest reality.

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