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Capricorn Weekly Horoscope


- Week 28, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    Here's what lies ahead. Energy from Mars in Taurus boosts your self-confidence. Harness this power to clarify your priorities and handle unresolved matters. As the week draws to a close, be wary of a contentious Moon that could lead to tensions. Serenity and understanding are your allies.

  • Your love life

    For the singles, revel in your freedom to seize the opportunities. New romantic encounters are peeking over the horizon. Remain open to all that surrounds you. For those in a relationship, if you feel neglected, speak about it candidly and calmly. Clarity often soothes misunderstandings.

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    A closeness with a Taurus could prove fruitful, as they share your steadfast and persevering nature.

    You avoid

    Steer clear of Gemini this week. Their spontaneous and unpredictable nature may disrupt your need for stability.

  • Your weekend

    Felt tensions, particularly due to the conflicting Moon, render this weekend challenging. However, it's time to embrace new personal goals. Is there something in need of comfort? Make sure to pay it attention.

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