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Gemini Weekly Horoscope


- Week 32, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    Tensions are on the horizon due to Mars in your sign. You might feel an irresistible urge for action, but beware! Stress and hastiness are not your allies. Try your utmost to adjust your pace, necessary breaks can make a significant difference. Proceed gently, and all will go well. You are the master of the game here! Have you considered meditation?

  • Your love life

    The Moon-Venus conjunction encourages a surge of tenderness. For those in a relationship, the emotional bond intensifies. It is time to share in some intimate moments. Single? The allure of chance encounters may be persuasive, yet also value the freedom of your status to nurture your relationship with yourself.

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    The vivacity of Leo, under the Sun's influence, resonates with your communicative and sociable nature, fostering harmonious rapport.

    You avoid

    The pragmatic nature of Taurus may clash with your light-hearted and ever-changing spirit, beware of conflicts of interest.

  • Your weekend

    Maximize your weekend by seeking out stimulating interactions. It is the time to surround yourself with individuals who feed your intellect and broaden your horizons. However, take heed not to lose your focus.

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