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Gemini Weekly Horoscope


- Week 34, 2024 -

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  • LOVE



  • Your week

    From Monday onwards, the Moon in opposition to Mercury invigorates your intellect. Seize this wave to hone your critical thinking. However, beware of the emotional tension come Wednesday. Ups and downs are to be anticipated but the wind will blow in your favor until Friday. The end of the week calls for caution and patience in face of potential conflicts.

  • Your love life

    Couples, your spirits may perilously dip. Misunderstandings and tensions are on the agenda, cherish mutual understanding. Singles, carnal encounters may well be on the horizon. But don't forget, above all, self-love is paramount to move forward serenely.

  • Your compatibilities this week

    You love

    The wisdom of Aquarius complements you harmoniously, bolstering your mental agility and your insatiable curiosity.

    You avoid

    The tenacity of Taurus might strike you as restrictive, curbing your need for freedom and movement.

  • Your weekend

    Brace yourself to welcome a surge of energy! The Mars-Jupiter conjunction irresistibly beckons you to flee from your routine and explore the great outdoors. Beware of overwork, a little rest is also in order.

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